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Exploring the Different Types of Ghosts and Their Haunting Characteristics

Writer's picture: mysteryhat4umysteryhat4u

Updated: Dec 11, 2024

About the Ghosts

Ghosts, souls, and specters are believed to live in the netherworld and can return to the living. According to believers, a ghost can appear as a living person, a hazy likeness to the dead, or in other ways. Ghosts are based on the ancient notion that a person's spirit is separate from their body and may live on. Many cultures believe funerals keep ghosts away.

The haunting spirit associates a haunted region with a strong prior emotion like regret, dread, or the fear of a violent death. Haunted people are blamed for the ghost's bad past. Ghostly apparitions, items moving, and strange lights are visible markers of haunting, while footsteps, ringing bells, disembodied screaming and laughing, and spontaneous musical instrument sounds are audio signs.

Ghost stories are still popular in folklore worldwide. Many groups, especially children, tell elaborate, violent ghost stories in darkness or a thunderstorm. Many of us have unusual encounters when we see objects or shadows out of the corner of our eyes yet they disappear when we look closer. Even if you're not afraid of ghosts, have you considered the sort you saw? You may have thought there were no different forms of ghosts, like most people.

Types of Ghosts

Ghosts in folklore, literature, and paranormal studies are often categorized based on their behavior, origin, or purpose. Here are the most common types of ghosts found in ghost stories and supernatural lore:

1. Residual Ghosts

Old memories play back like a recorder without knowledge or interaction. They often go along a corridor or relive their demise. A ghost is seen going through walls where a doorway was. Extreme emotional energy or trauma "recorded" in the environment may produce it. After a murder or rape, residual haunting may occur. The atmosphere records events because negative energy is physically blasted into it. It replays events like a cassette. Residual haunting involves unconscious beings. No conversation between you and the ghost means this is not an intelligent haunting. Positive energy sent into the atmosphere may cause hauntings. You've probably heard ghost stories with party noises. Even though they hear singing, dancing, laughter, and music, nobody is there as they enter the party room. Living ghosts may cause residual hauntings.

Residual hauntings may involve shadowy figures. Despite being less defined, they may resemble their real selves. These apparitions don't recognize humans and follow a pattern. Finding patterns and qualities that distinguish lingering hauntings is crucial to identify them.

These signs may indicate a persistent haunting:

  1. Repetitive noises include footsteps, doors opening and closing, and music.

  2. Looping appearances: Seeing a ghost always appearing and acting the same thing.

  3. Consistent odors: Finding odors unrelated to food, smoking, or perfume.

  4. Unresponsive Entities: Seeing that the spectral person or sound does not respond to live things or environmental changes.

  5. Historical correlation occurs when observed phenomena match significant past events related to the location.

  • Residual hauntings: can ghosts hurt?

One of this phenomenon's most comfortable aspects is your safety. As energy recordings, these hauntings can't damage or engage. In essence, they are harmless historical reenactments.

  • Can Ghosts Touch You?

Residual ghosts cannot touch you. Since they lack consciousness and physical presence, they cannot interact meaningfully with their surroundings. Increased suggestibility or other environmental elements may produce touch experiences in haunted places.

  • Can Ghosts Move Things?

Residual ghosts cannot manipulate objects. Intelligent hauntings and other supernatural events are often tied to poltergeist activity -- moving objects. Residual hauntings replay aural and visual events without physical contact.

  • Are there residual hauntings?

The existence of lingering hauntings is disputed. Many descriptions of these events exist, but scientific explanations are scarce. Many believe residual hauntings are real because of the abundance of anecdotal evidence, while critics blame environmental or psychological factors.

  • Smudging: Does it Remove Hauntings?

Many people smudge to remove negative energy from a room. Sage plants are burned. However, its effect on residual energy is unclear. Smudging may not work because hauntings are energy imprints, not souls. However, many find solace and peace in the practice.

2. Intelligent/Interactive Ghosts

Ghosts can converse with humans and are aware of their surroundings. They may make noises, appear as apparitions, control items, or answer questions. During a séance, a spirit may knock in answer to requests. Usually related to unresolved issues or talking.

Return to Einstein's hypothesis. Everyone is a quantum energy being since they matter. Atoms and neutrons form us. We are intelligent matter-energy beings. We are surrounded by energy while alive. This aura is created by millions of electrical currents in our bodies. Brain waves transport our ideas, feelings, and experiences as pure energy. Our aura dies with our mortal form. Six ounces are lost upon death. Six ounces is how much? Maybe our bodies are losing energy. In our spirit. This energy—your aura or soul—carries our prior identities. If it could do this, why couldn't it carry our intelligence? If it can maintain our past intelligence, it should communicate intelligently with us. We call this aura a ghost when we see it. The ghost is intelligent/interactive if it can converse, engage, touch, and be aware of us.

Various causes may bind the ghost to the site or individuals, such as an automobile accident, murder, or unresolved issues. The ghost may have died abruptly and was unaware. Due to emotional agony, surviving loved ones cannot let go. The ghost feels close to their family. They can't sleep because of mistreatment. Fear of criticism or disagreementIn "intelligent hauntings" a spirit or other cognizant being is present. Intelligent ghosts can converse with humans and react to their surroundings, unlike residual ghosts.

Key characteristics of Intelligent Hauntings include awareness and intention.

• Intelligent ghosts can have thoughts and goals.

• They use their senses and engage with animals.

• Intelligent hauntings can talk to people. Contact can be made through EVPs, physical manifestations, and mediumship.

• May respond to life or environment. Making noises, moving things, or other signs of awareness are examples.

• A persistent presence is common in intelligent hauntings. An unresolved business, tragedy, a live person, or a deep emotional attachment may bind the entity to the spot.

• Act differently. Some harm, others help. Many things can affect the entity's personality, interactions, and death.

• Intelligent Hauntings are identified by paranormal investigators using spirit communication devices, EVP sessions, and historical research.

Many find Intelligent Hauntings unpalatable. Researchers question their existence due to a lack of proof. Paranormalists and enthusiasts still care. We can identify Intelligent Haunting from Residual Energy, although there is no scientific evidence. If experiences had no patterns, would we need categories and definitions? If you hear a little sigh in the walls before bed or footsteps following you to your parked car in a deserted parking lot at night, presume it's leftover.

3. Poltergeists

Often referred to as "noisy ghosts," these beings are connected to physical disruptions. Making loud noises, slamming doors, knocking, or moving objects. For instance, there were reports of furniture moving and strange noises during the infamous Enfield Poltergeist in England.

According to some, poltergeists are apparitions of psychic energy from living individuals, especially teenagers.

Probably one of the most common terms that most of us have heard about ghosts is "poltergeist," which translates to "noisy ghost" because it is believed to have the power to move or topple objects, create noise, and alter the physical world. A poltergeist is one of the rarest types of hauntings and, to many, the most horrifying, even though many of us have heard the phrase before. This kind of spiritual disturbance has been linked to loud pounding noises, lights turning on and off, doors slamming, and even fires starting of nowhere. The fact that the poltergeist typically begins lightly and gradually before getting more intense is another terrifying feature. Furthermore, although poltergeist activity is usually benign and short-lived, it has occasionally turned harmful. According to some specialists, it is a mass type of energy that a living being unintentionally controls. In any event, poltergeists have drawn the interest of paranormal experts and enthusiasts, scientists, and a lot of people who are just plain inquisitive. The name "poltergeist," which means "noisy spirits," comes from German. Since the time of the Ancient Romans, poltergeists have been reported. The action will begin with bangs and knocks, and furniture will begin to move on its own. With increasing intensity, the activity will then show up as voices and even complete apparitions. Beds may tremble and furniture may move across the space. Since this kind of haunting is typically the most gruesome and uncommon, it serves as the basis for many television programs.

When it comes to poltergeists, the haunting usually revolves around a teenage girl. It appears that the female unintentionally controls the energy surrounding herself in some of these circumstances. Certain examples involve stable individuals who are in a healthy mental state. Some circumstances make it difficult to categorize this haunting. In reality, no two are ever alike. In most cases, the haunting seems to have a greater effect on one person in the house than on the others. It can appear that without that certain person present, the majority of the action doesn't occur. When that person leaves the house, the activity usually seems to stop. Most of the time, multiple people experience poltergeists, but once more, they appear to be focused on a single individual. This individual may have recently had a great deal of stress or may have experienced an intense emotional circumstance. If this is the case, make sure the person concerned receives medical attention; the poltergeist will quickly go away.

There are typically other spirits in the vicinity when the teen is not the one exhibiting activity. To get strong enough to move bigger items and create greater noise, the spirits seem to combine their energies. To make things better, you must identify the source of their rage so they will go on and leave you alone. In the majority of poltergeist incidents, they will vanish as quickly as they emerge. Sometimes it stops in a matter of days, and other times it takes years. You might never find out why it occurred. For the most part, folks are simply relieved to see it leave.

4. Shadow People

Shadow people, or shadow men, who skulk in corners or out of sight because we don't comprehend them, are gaining popularity. Some think these dark shadows are aliens, time travelers, or interdimensional entities, while others think they are deeper-shaped ghosts. Shadow people may be evil or all of the above. Scientists believe that when we observe shadow people, our thoughts fill in the blanks and create "human-like" shapes. Other factors include night terrors. Shadowman stories generally entail waking up with a heavy chest, a heaviness in the air, and great fear. When they wake up, they're frozen and scared. Shadow people can sit on their chests or hide in corners. Even if there are many more problematic situations, this is the most accepted scientific explanation for shadowy figures.

Have you ever seen something out of the corner of your eye and wondered if it was a shadow or a person leaving? Maybe it was a shadow. Unlike spirits and ghosts, dark shadow people have unseen clothing, faces, and other features. Shadow-like humanoids will represent these scary aliens. They may look like kids despite being grownups. After being detected, they may move fast through walls or corners. Although you may see one in person, shadow people are more likely to appear in your peripheral vision. Swirling smoke or solid shadows are possible. Red, blazing eyeballs are common in shadows.

  • Ghosts: The ghost people or ghost shadows behave differently from other spirit manifestations. Despite being noticed near ghostly and spiritual activity, these shadow "ghosts." rarely produce orbs or ectoplasm. Shadow people act and appear alone, reinforcing the idea that they are time travelers, aliens, or interdimensional beings. These shadows may be ghosts or spirits of recently deceased people. Since they haven't accepted their fate, they don't feel illumination as they transition to the next level after death like other spirits with recognized faces and attire. They appear as shadows in the darkness. Due to their inability to travel, shadow ghosts may be mournful and burdened but not wicked. One more theory? Our eyes interpret the light spectrum to see shadows.

  • Demons: The unfavorable ideas around these enigmatic people suggest they are demonic. Again, these evil, ugly, and invasive ideas may differ from neutral spirits or other creatures since they are frequently linked with demons. These shadow people often make witnesses anxious and feel like they are not with a human.

  • Multidimensional entities: Most answers to "What are shadow people?" indicate interdimensional creatures. The answer "aliens" is common and reasonable. Aliens hiding on Earth is a common myth. Some think these shadows are the "slip" between dimensions and aliens that exist on Earth. These shadows may be astral creatures or time travelers who have crossed dimensions. Because a "slip" in our dimension could damage an ordinary human, we may be afraid of these time travelers or astral animals.

Be calm if you see dark shadows. Maybe shadows in the room's corner. Night terrors occur when you feel horrible and see murky images at night. Being still is crucial. They're scary but safe. Wiggle your tiny finger or toe to break paralysis quickly. We know nothing about shadow figures. They could be any of the above. They could be aliens, time travelers, astral travelers, ghosts, spirits, or a mix. Demons or heavy souls may be trapped in this plane. Without doubt. Never again will you know if your peripheral vision shadow is a shadow or a figure.

5. Apparitions

Spirits that are full-bodied and resemble living or deceased individuals. They might dress in particular ways or show signs of injury, much like they did in real life. For instance, Anne Boleyn in the Tower of London or the Grey Lady at Glamis Castle. Frequently connected to particular places or significant events in their lives or deaths.

Although the dead are not always involved in these incidents, parapsychologists prefer to use the term "apparition" when discussing ghosts. Astral bodies of the living have visited people in the past, and after they safely return home, they either confirm that they were truly doing what was observed or pass away. A visual encounter in which a person or animal (alive or dead) appears to be present but is actually outside the witness's field of vision is referred to as an appearance. An apparition of a deceased person is commonly referred to as a "ghost." Haunting is a common phrase used to describe apparitions and related phenomena (such as cold spots, raps, etc.) in a specific location, usually a building. People of many ages and cultures submit reports

6. Crisis Apparitions

Ghosts that visit loved ones during extreme grief or death. They may appear and disappear or send messages. Even if they're far apart, a loved one may experience a ghostly form at someone's death. Considered a final warning or goodbye.

Paranormal researchers who began studying these encounters at the end of the 19th-century call "crisis apparitions" those who see or feel friends or family near death. Since then, thousands of reports have been evaluated. Sometimes people know a friend or family member is seriously ill, but like Billie Holiday, the death is a shock.

In one crisis apparition case, I investigated, a vacationing girl worried about a friend who hadn't returned to their youth hostel. He headed out that morning to climb a mountain as a fell runner. The man appeared before her in a different form. "Moved towards me as though he was floating and with his arm outstretched as though trying to reach out to me," he stated after climbing the youth hostel's stairs. He appeared to have died and was trying to find himself by visiting familiar places and individuals. After seeing our friend, I ran downstairs to tell my partner he may have died. The man's corpse was found on the mountain the next day.

People often talk about having brief conversations with a deceased friend or relative who wishes to say goodbye. According to psi researcher Ken Vincent, a woman said her aunt "came to her in a dream and told her goodbye and that she had died." She woke up and shrieked as her phone rang. Her sister told her aunt died recently.

Crisis apparitions, like Billie Holiday, can feel or touch the dead. Other examples include death-related physiological sensations, powerful emotions, and auditory encounters.

Can crisis apparitions be caused by self-deception, chance, or wishful thinking? Given their oddity, such theories may seem acceptable. However, they seem suspicious. It's improbable that Billie Holiday would "guess" her mother's death.

Skeptics also believe people try to convince themselves they have the experiences to cope with loss. This seems unlikely as interactions are often reported immediately. Like Billie Holiday, many crisis apparition sufferers don't believe in psi or the paranormal, so they wouldn't be cognitively ready to fool themselves.

What's the alternative? Can a "spirit" or "subtle body" leave the physical body after death and communicate with loved ones remotely? Life after death is possible if this is true.

Could telepathy explain the experiences, as some psi researchers have suggested? Friends and family who sense a person's death communicate telepathically with them. Psi research shows that close emotional relationships increase telepathy. These encounters are more direct and specific than recorded telepathy. Instead of visions and conversations, it usually involves perception or intent.

7. Doppelgängers

Ghostly replicas or duplicates of actual individuals are often seen as omens of death or bad luck. Pretending to be the person they appear to be while occasionally acting oddly. For instance, catching a glimpse of one's image in a mirror or public. Thought to be an alternate ego or a shadow spirit.

According to both English and German custom, seeing your own duplicate three times could be a sign that you are about to die. This word, which translates to "double-goer," refers to a ghost that is seen while the person it resembles is still alive. Although the term "doppelgänger" was used only in the late 18th century, stories of spirit counterparts have been around for thousands of years.

In ancient Egypt, the ka, one aspect of the soul, was represented as a spirit that was identical to the body. In parts of Africa and Europe, changelings were thought to be supernatural children that were used in place of human babies. Less ominous, the Norse vardøger would simply appear where it was supposed to be before the person it resembled, leading others to believe they had already arrived.

English and Irish literature from the 18th and 19th centuries mentions the fetch, an ethereal double whose appearance, like that of the doppelgänger, heralded death. During the writing of Siebenkäs in 1796, German author Jean Paul first used the phrase "doppelgänger." The main character, Siebenkäs, alternates identities with his companion and lookalike, Leibgeber, throughout the complex plot. Coincidentally, Jean-Paul created two names to describe doubles: "doppelgänger" to describe a lunch in which two courses were served simultaneously, and "doppeltgänger" to describe an uncanny similarity. The distinction was short-lived after Siebenkäs, as "doppelgänger" became the common word for any type of double.

8. Wraiths

A beast appears at night. Darkness, a drop in temperature, and a chill descended over the area. Despair and hatred overcome you suddenly. Beware—a wraith is nearby.

Power and sadness are all we know about wraiths. During its lifetime, this Scottish spirit practiced black magic and sorcery.

When spellcasting fails, wraiths are generated. This is usually caused by a witch or wizard who unsuccessfully sought to extend their lifetime or manipulate time. The outcome is catastrophic. Their request is granted—they become immortal and powerful. The price is exorbitant. These souls are abducted and cursed to never reach the spirit world. This is a dreadful fate because most civilizations believe the spirit realm is Heaven or an afterlife. Wraiths must roam between dimensions forever without this privilege.

Wraiths are soulless and only sense hatred and sadness. These ghosts can also be demons. Wraiths are mostly bad, although vorors are good. There may be various types of wraiths. Most wraiths are wicked soul-stealers. A single touch kills and steals a person's soul by the wraith. The soul they steal curses the victim to roam with them forever unless the wraith is destroyed. Wraiths are formidable and difficult to defeat. Only a holy presence or weapon can defeat them. Pure evil cannot endure holiness and will either retreat or be destroyed by the opposing power. Wraiths must be killed if assaulted. Escaped wraiths may be furious that they were attacked and unleash their fury on the world. Anger can consume towns and be released in waves by wraiths. When the towns can no longer handle the wraith's despair, it will steal their souls and continue its endless voyage.

Lore describes various forms of wraiths. As mentioned before, the most prevalent wraith is driven by rage. Some variants of this first sort of wraith are highly intelligent and can hold grudges. They will pursue a perceived wrongdoer until they seize their soul and keep them outside the spirit world for eternity.

Another type of wraith is a parasitic ghost demon. These devils live in empty spaces until they locate a human to merge with. Unlike most monsters, these wraiths do not alert the victim. The demon-possessed person may never realize it. This wraith is also thought to have no magical powers. It has more power than a human, but it won't use it against the human, making it unlikely that the powers will be discovered. Wraith possession can give humans demonic powers in rare situations. Its propensity to reproduce makes this wraith type stand out. When possessed humans mate, part of the wraith bonds to the unborn child. A ‘Blood Child’ is formed when the child's soul merges with the demon.

Vorors are wraith variants. The wraith was sometimes called a ‘watcher’ or ‘warden.’ A person's soul is followed by this wraith from birth until death. This is the sole non-malevolent wraith. Most wraiths have never been seen, but hazy information about their appearance is known. Some stories characterize wraiths as shadowy, black-cloaked beings. Thin, corpse-like arms and legs. Wraith faces are skeletal or infinite black holes. Legend has it that wraiths are wicked beings that occupy every empty area they may find.

Legend has it that certain wraiths are parasitic but not violent. They merely seek out a human host to bond with and suck on their energy. Instead of trying to control their victim, they exploit them to survive and go on after his death. Some of these weird spirits are benign, but most aren't. Many wraiths are furious about their condition and how they lost their souls. These smart wraiths sometimes hunt their enemies. This continues until the victim's soul is taken and compelled to roam with the wraith forever. Wraiths are evil. They are devoured by fury, sorrow, and hatred. They hunt for hapless souls to join their ‘clan’ and roam for eternity, destroying hope and drive to live.

9. Banshees

Most people think of a Banshee as a hovering, ethereal apparition howling and terrifying. You may also know that Banshees bring death. The Banshee's whole tale...

Irish folklore says a banshee's shriek foretells death. The cry, dubbed ‘caoine’, means ‘keening’ and warns of an impending family death. As Irish families merged, each family had its own Banshee!

Banshees are disembodied spirits that can take the following forms:

• Beautiful woman in the veil

• Pale woman in a white outfit with long red hair

• A woman with long silver hair and clothes

• A headless woman with a dish of blood is waist-up naked.

• An ancient woman with scary red eyes, green clothes, and long white hair.

• An elderly black-clad woman with long grey hair and a veil.

• Banshees are depicted as female spirits with long hair who cry at night.

According to historians, the first Banshee legends began in the 8th century when ladies sang a sad song to mourn a death. Since these ladies accepted wine as payment, they were considered sinners and doomed to become Banshees. The Banshee disappears into a cloud of mist if discovered, making a sound like a bird flapping its wings. Legend has it that Banshees warn of death, not inflict it.

The Good and Bad of Banshees

Some Banshees loved their families and watched over them after death. Banshees appear as lovely, seductive women who sing a tragic, haunting song of love for their families. In most circumstances, only the intended recipient can hear this music a few days before a family member dies. Good Banshees are lovely, fascinating women who sing a sad song of love for their families. Most of us know the furious and menacing Banshee. These women had reasons to despise their families and appear as deformed, scary apparitions. These Banshees' cries are enough to scare you, but they're celebrating the death of someone they hated!

Other Legends

According to another Irish legend, the Banshee is the ghost of a young girl who was brutally murdered and warns her family of impending death. This Banshee is described as an old woman with decaying teeth and long fingernails. Looking into her blood-red, hateful eyes will kill you! She wears rags! Her piercing shriek haunts the living, and this Banshee always has her mouth open. Some stories say evil Banshees take lives and intentionally seek out their victims and howl at them until they commit themselves or go insane. Banshees may tear humans apart and appear in modern horror flicks. Banshees warn of death and offer the family time to prepare.

Nobody knows where Banshees learn about deaths. One hypothesis holds that each family member has a personal watcher who reports to the Banshee. This notion is losing out, as is the Banshee narrative, which is now considered a terrifying bedtime story. Irish people believed in Banshees decades ago, and disbelieving was considered blasphemous. Perhaps your grandfather still does! The Banshee mythology is fiction and superstition, therefore if you hear a piercing scream on a night out in Ireland, it is unlikely to be the Banshee!

10. Revenants

The legends of revenant ghosts struck terror in villagers, particularly during the Middle Ages. The corporal ghosts are not demons; instead, they share an eerie resemblance to the draugr. The very name “revenant” harkens back to old French for returning. But, like zombies and vampires, the dead body remains, making revenants markedly different from ghosts composed of plasma, ether, or some unworldly spirit. Revenant ghosts were blamed for spreading diseases and being capable of murder. Thus, these supernatural creatures were malevolent and came from people who had evil souls or had done wicked deeds when alive. Revenants, like most ghosts, come back to life due to a feeling of unfinished business. However, revenants are not trying to right wrongs or finish a task. Instead, these people lived sinful lives and have returned to continue their never-ending mission of tormenting those they hated or detested when alive. However, there are stories where revenants are made after dying violently. Thus, they’ve come back to haunt their murder, possibly even haunting the person’s relatives and loved ones.

While not demons, some tales nod to Satan’s hand in creating the revenant. However, it is often framed as Satan fulfilling the corrupted soul’s desire to continue haunting the living rather than it being Satan’s suggestion or desire.

Lastly, there are revenge stories that involve deceased supernatural creatures, such as werewolves and witches. Thus, their ability to have a corporal body is tied to their once-inhumane existence and powers.

Revenant ghosts can eat their victims or drain their blood. However, they do not need to feed to survive or keep up their strength. Instead, they eat people out of rage or revenge. The method of killing a revenant ghost depends on the particular myth. However, they all involve finding the corpse, after which the head needs to be cut off, the body burnt, or sprinkled with Holy Water.

Revenant ghosts share similarities with zombies. Both involve an animated corpse rather than an ethereal being. Both are capable of terrorizing and causing harm to the living. But revenant ghosts are not brainless creatures following the hordes. Nor are revenants driven by some mindless feeding frenzy. Instead, like ghosts, they usually have particular targets and yearn for vengeance. However, they are still capable of killing indiscriminately out of rage. In addition, revenant ghosts do not make more of their kind by killing people as many zombies do in various folklore. Nor are revenant ghosts controlled by a greater power, as found in some zombie myths.

Revenant ghosts have frequently been compared to vampires. Both involve an “undead” body, in that they died yet still roamed the earth. Both may feed on the blood of their victims, although some revenants eat the flesh instead. In addition, revenants usually are tied to where they were buried, such as their grave or tomb. Revenant ghosts are also destroyed similarly to vampires: cutting off the head of the corpse, burning the corpse, or using Holy Water. However, most revenant myths do not involve a need to feed. A revenant dining on their victims is performed as part of their revenge or out of spite and hatred. But the consuming of victims is not necessary for the revenant’s existence. Nor can revenants turn their victims into more of their kind, as found in vampire folklore. However, there are theories that revenant ghosts were inspired by two types of vampires: nachzehrers and vrykolakas.

11. Lady Spirits - Range of Colours

Female spirits are commonly color-coded. Specifically, their dress colors. White, black, and grey ladies abound. Did you know ladies of other colors have been seen? Look at the colors and places these women frequent.

• Grey Ladies: Many accounts show grey-clad women. Grey may be a paranormal hue or the women's clothes may have caused these sightings. We mention a few Grey Ladies in our stories. Like Willard Library's Lady in Grey. She may be the library's founder's daughter. Swedish vicarage Borgvattnet has a Grey Lady, and the Tower of London has a veiled Grey Lady. A Grey Lady -- thought to be Lady Janet Douglas' ghost— haunts Glamis Castle's chapel. Janet Douglas was convicted of witchcraft. She was burnt at the stake. The family reserved a chapel chair for her.

• White Ladies: White Lady ghosts are also common. Like Suki, the English Hellfire Caves ghost. She died in her best white dress. RMS and Pluckley, a spooky village, have White Ladies. A White Lady who likely slipped on the steps and died haunts Queen Mary. The White Lady of St. Augustine Lighthouse in Florida only appears during storms. Dock Street Theatre has a White Lady ghost. Her personality is unknown, however, she seems friendly. A Woman in White haunts Bolling Hall and Shepton Mallet, a former prison. This Woman in White was executed for murdering her fiancé. She wanted to sleep in her bridal dress the night before her execution. The next morning, she was dead. She probably died of heartbreak.

• Woman in Black: Have you read Susan Hill's "The Woman in Black"? A classic ghost story! Loved it! The world has many more Women of Black Sightings. A Tower of London visitor noticed a black velvet-dressed woman. She met her again at The Tower years later! Three ancient ladies—one in grey, one in purple, and one in black who appears to be mourning—haunt Borgvattnet Vicarage. The cloaked female ghost of Akershus Castle, Mantelgeisten, should be named here. She is one of several spirits in this Norwegian castle, but she is fearsome. Faceless.

• Blue Ladies: Lady spirits have also been seen in blue tints. Port Arthur has many ghosts, including a pale gray or blue-dressed woman. This spirit is thought to be a young woman who died during childbirth. The Nashville, Indiana Story Inn is haunted by a Blue Lady. She was likely Dr. George Story's wife, who created the town. Hundreds of Blue Lady sightings are documented. But her captivating blue eyes are called this hue, not her outfit. A blue-dressed woman haunts McPike Mansion. They saw her descend the steps. She arrived during a tour, so many spotted her!

• Green Lady of Chateau de Brissac: France has a Green Lady. She may be Charlotte de Brézé's ghost haunting Château de Brissac. Charlotte's husband caught her having an affair and killed her and her lover. Charlotte remains in the castle after her lover's ghost disappeared. Her spooky ghost loves scaring tourists, but the castle family is used to her. Faceless La Dame Verte stares at you with two vacant eye sockets.

• Red Ladies: The color red is frequently considered dangerous. That applies to Leap Castle's Red Lady. Many ghosts haunt the Irish castle, but she's terrifying! Numerous individuals have seen her. She haunts the castle, but most often in the original nursery, the Blue Room. She's tall, and slim, has long brown hair, and always carries a blade. She was likely an uninvited guest of the O'Carrolls. She probably got pregnant and the O'Carrolls killed the child or killed her trying to flee. Pluckley is plagued by the Red Lady again. She haunts the church cemetery. The Red Lady looks to be searching for her unmarked grave-buried stillborn child. She lost her baby. Dock Street Theatre is haunted by a red-dressed woman who was struck by lightning on a balcony.

• Raynham Hall's Brown Lady: Brown Lady haunts Raynham Hall. She may be Lady Dorothy Walpole's ghost. Lady Dorothy was Charles Townshend's second wife. Somehow, he caught his wife fooling with renowned Lord Wharton. Townshend locked his wife in her chambers in anger. Dorothy spent many years here before dying in 1726. We then learned the poor woman was set up! Maybe that's why Raynham Hall has her ghost. She's the Brown Lady after being photographed.

• Purple Lady of Rio Grande Depot: The 1910 Utah Rio Grande Depot is a historic train depot. The Purple Lady, a purple ghost, has been seen many times. She was likely killed on the tracks. Her engagement ring fell into the tracks after an altercation with her fiancé. The tearful woman climbed the bars to retrieve her ring. She died instantaneously from a train collision. The Purple Lady has appeared on the rails, platform, café, and bathrooms. Some say they heard her singing and footsteps.

• Virginian Hotel Woman in Beige: August Grimm built the 1911 Virginian Hotel. The hotel was too enormous and luxurious for its location. It's a revered monument and haunted. The Virginian Hotel has a female ghost. A beige woman awaits her husband's return. He never returned from his rail ride. The Woman in Beige allegedly hurled herself out a third-floor window and died. She is often seen.

• Pink Ladies: We conclude with Pink Lady spirits. An enigmatic Pink Lady haunts Stirling Castle. She may have survived Edward I's 1304 castle siege. Every time she leaves the castle, she walks to the chapel and disappears. The Grove Park Inn Hotel in North Carolina has a beloved Pink Lady charm. For 100 years, this kindness has been seen and felt. She is claimed to be the ghost of a 1920s 5th-floor balcony-falling young woman. Sometimes she appears as a pink mist or a full-body apparition in a pink ball gown.

12. Ghost Orb

The most popular orb definition is a light globe or ball. Orbs are commonly visible in videos and images, but they can also be seen plainly. Clear, black, white, green, red, or blue light orbs are common. Though fast, they often float.

Ghost or spirit orbs are light orbs for energy manifestations. Not all orbs in photos are "ghostly"; some are light refractions on a camera's lens or a flash picking up dust, metal, or microscopic insects. Lensecap dust from digital cameras might generate orbs.

An “authentic” orb is solid from the center without light interference spokes, according to most. They emit small amounts of light. Some think orbs are Native spirits, while others think they are spirits. Orbs are most prevalent in certain places, so we can make some assumptions about what they are and, more importantly, what they mean.

Although most orbs are transparent or clear, different colored ones are believed to have different meanings and communication.

• White or silver orbs: Normally good, however, they may indicate a spirit or energy trapped in an undesired realm.

• Warm red or orange orbs: Protective spirits. Rarely are ghost and spirit orbs red and orange. A mother, teacher, or nurse may have red orbs for protection or care.

• Black orbs: Brown or dark orbs may indicate negative or heavy spirits, not angry ones. Beginners may struggle with these spirits since they have many low or strong feelings. Decipher black orbs to find ghosts or malevolent energy.

• Green orbs: Evoke the body, spirit, and Earth because of their natural connection. Non-earthly beings like infants may be indicated.

• Blue Orbs: A pleasant, healing response that symbolizes a tranquil spirit. If you're seeking answers or contacting an afterlife ghost, it may be true.

Asking “What are orbs?” should include when and where we see them. Nighttime sightings are common in paranormal areas. Graveyards, churches, seances, and clairvoyance reveal ghost and spirit orbs. At night, orbs have been spotted on the Gettysburg battlefield, where many died.

Orbs encircle people. When attracted, some people answer "What is an orb?" differently. Halos, angels, or deceased relatives may appear as orbs, radiating protecting energy that humans can see or photograph. Orbs that "hang around," may indicate spirituality and paranormal activity, but not always.

Spiritists and psychics see aura spheres. They may be communicating with spirits or energies or trying to.

Praying, healing, worshipping, or witnessing a funeral or death, increases the likelihood of seeing orbs in images. Orbs and their spirits and entities come at any important life event, such as a birth or wedding, or on any other occasion, thus you may notice orbs in common images or recordings.

Illuminated orbs have been said to reveal faces, animals, buildings, and other scenes. Some believe these spiritual orbs are doorways to another world, however this may be a mental or light illusion.

Whatever your ideas about orbs, they are energy. Family members left behind can find comfort in watching energy at major or small events. A family portrait with an orb indicates a spirit, deceased loved one, or angel visit. Unless the orb is dark, most people like this.

13. Demonic Entities

Demons never had human-like lives. Why? If you think that God and his angels are from the "heavens," If Satan and one-third of the angels who rebelled against God's Kingdom became demons, they are aliens. They therefore never had mortal bodies. Einstein stated that E = MC2. Energy may transform into matter and vice versa. Demons are creatures of pure energy. These are strong, otherworldly creatures. They can physically and mentally abuse people, break into homes, and cling to objects. These ghosts can assume any shape. They are most frequently seen as dark masses standing indoors. Due to forces that prevent them from passing over, it is typical for several demons to be present in the same area. Because these spirits are capable of murdering, they should never be challenged.

There are three descriptions provided.

1. As angelic, a lovely being that coerces others into immoral or strange actions.

2. Horrible and evil. Some claim to have witnessed terrifying demons. Since this is not their true shape and they are aware of our fears, devils use this to frighten us.

3. Smoke, darkness, fog, and black mist. The majority of demonic hauntings residents claim to have been followed by fog or black mist.

4. Horrible, evil. Some claim to have witnessed terrifying demons. Since this is not their true shape and they are aware of our fears, devils use this to frighten us.

5. Smoke, darkness, fog, and black mist. The majority of demonic hauntings residents claim to have been followed by fog or black mist. If they are not hiding, they are easily identified. Demonic hauntings have a sulfuric acid or rotten flesh odor. Frequently, their growl seems to emanate from all directions. They like to hit, scrape, push, and shove. The air in the affected area will warm considerably and appear dense like fog.

These creatures don't disguise the fact that they are more powerful than human spirits. People are occasionally attacked and thrown through the air. To gain control, they appear to wish to undermine free will. They don't care if it takes days, months, or years. Their hatred of people goes back to Lucifer and God. They will outlive us by thousands of years. With religious provocation, you might be able to get these beings to leave a settlement, but you will never be able to kill them. They don't mind distance, so they might go down the road, but they probably won't. They might be transported from Maine to California by a thought. In front of you, demons can go from being human to being inhuman. They can change their gender to fit their desires. Demons are typically thought of as black masses in or near doors. Some people refer to these as "shadow devils."

14. Funnel Ghost

The funnel ghost or vortex is commonly connected to a cold area and is most commonly seen in residences or historic buildings. The majority of paranormal specialists think they are a loved one coming for a visit or possibly a former occupant of the house, and they typically take the form of a whirling funnel. They are frequently captured in pictures or videos, appearing as a whisp of light or a swirling spiral of light.

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