Did you ever wonder what if you get the chance to could swap your life with one of your beloved characters? Will you grab the chance? I always daydream about having a Freaky Friday episode with one of my favorite characters. 'The Librarian' will be the top choice if you ask me and I found all the adventures and myths of each artifact very fascinating. My blog will introduce the artifacts (A-Z)could mentioned in the TV series/movies with which you get to collect information on both TV facts and Fun facts.

The enthralling realm of artifact knowledge is explored in "The Librarians"—an entertaining television series and film franchise. The show centers on the Library, an old institution that has been there for a long time, and it follows a group of gifted people responsible for keeping magical and powerful artifacts safe. The audience is swept away on a thrilling trip brimming with magic, adventure, and intelligence as the team faces various legendary and historical obstacles. The artifacts showcased in the show have special abilities and a fascinating past, which makes each episode more intriguing. A mesmerizing medley of fantastical elements, comedic moments, and suspense, "The Librarians" transports viewers on an exciting journey into the supernatural while stressing the significance of safeguarding the knowledge contained within these remarkable relics.
Starring Noah Wyle, The Librarian is a series of original fantasy-adventure MTV films produced by Turner Network Television (TNT) about a man whose job it is to safeguard a hidden collection of artifacts.
The Librarian: Quest for the Spear (2004)
Flynn Carsen, played by Noah Wyle, is introduced in Quest for the Spear as the new librarian employed by the Metropolitan Public Library. Flynn has no idea that the library has been around for ages and that it conceals several priceless artifacts, some of which have magical powers, such as Excalibur, Pandora's Box, and the Ark of the Covenant. To restore the stolen portion of the Spear of Destiny from the library, Flynn enlists Nicole Noone's assistance.
The Librarian: Return to King Solomon's Mines (2006)
In the opening scene of Return to King Solomon's Mines, Flynn is shown at a gathering hosted by his mother. There, he reunites with "Uncle" Jerry, a beloved acquaintance of Flynn's late father. Along his journey to find King Solomon's Mines, Flynn befriends archaeologist Emily Davenport, who provides him with translation assistance in the Akon (aklo algolis) language. All is not as it appears as they meet up with Jerry in Kenya.
The Librarian: Curse of the Judas Chalice (2008)
As Flynn follows a bizarre dream in Curse of the Judas Chalice, he ends up in New Orleans and is entangled in a Russian plot involving the infamous vampire Prince Vlad Dracul. Flynn must confront his anxieties once more and safeguard the Judas Chalice, a highly potent and perilous artifact, from the clutches of those who would do him harm.
Main Characters
1. Flynn Carsen is unparalleled in his brilliance, despite being a nerdy bookworm. By 31, he had 12 Bachelor's, 6 Master's, and 4 doctorates (22 degrees). 4 Egyptology degrees, a Comparative Religions Ph.D., and a Cyberlogy degree. In The Quest for the Spear, his Egyptology professor approves his 23rd degree. His intelligence, resourcefulness, and polymath status make Flynn unparalleled. When he yells, his lightning-fast thinking causes incoherence and frustration. He works like Sherlock Holmes in observation and deduction thanks to his talent and training. The work didn't fit his typical talents of Dewey numbering, the Library of Congress, research paper orthodoxy, web searching, and RSS feed setup. No Librarian had ever deciphered the untranslated Language of the Birds in seven hours before his first assignment. The only previous doer was the bookstore. Flynn becomes a brave, supernatural-oblivious hero.
2. Charlene is the stern, no-nonsense head librarian who interviews Flynn for the position of "The Librarian". Flynn's acute observational abilities allowed him to characterize Charlene's mononucleosis, recent divorce, three cats, and childhood nose injury minutes after meeting her. When asked by an invisible Judson, "What's more important than knowledge?" He remembered his mother's wise words: "The things that make life worth living can not be thought here (pointing to his head), they must be felt here (hand over heart)." Flynn got hired after answering one question.
Charlene, the administrator, is bureaucratic; she threatens to reduce Flynn's pay if he breaks anything and requires him to keep his receipts for excursion reimbursements. Her face stays straight while Flynn quips. She denied "doing funny."
3. Judson was "The Librarian" and advises future successors, according to the first film's introduction. His Marine Corps tattoo helps him fight. He enjoys kite flying and eBay shopping in his free time. Mirrors, TV screens, and astral projection allow him to communicate with the Librarian at any time. He dies after the third film 15 years before the TV program premieres. Flynn keeps a crape-draped self-portrait at his desk. Judson appears in the full-length mirror next to his painting, reaffirming his promise to Eve that he is still with her. Eve is shocked to learn this simple reality. According to Curse of the Judas Chalice, Judson may have founded the Library, although he considers the idea "insulting." Still, the film suggests this. In season four, he is revealed to be the original Librarian, Charlene his Guardian, and they perform the Tethering ritual, a key storyline. Judson and Charlene perform a ceremony to send the Library into the abyss when the Serpent Brotherhood invades the Library. After Charlene dies in Season 3, she accompanies him to the afterlife.
The Librarians (2014 TV series)
Created and hosted by John Rogers for TNT, The Librarians is a fantasy adventure series set in the United States. Starting on December 7, 2014, it continued in the same canon as the Librarian films and was a direct spin-off of the franchise. An old order known as the Librarians has long been committed to shielding a naive planet from a hidden, fantastical, and magical reality. The show was canceled in March 2018 by TNT.
New Characters
1. The team's protector, Colonel Eve Baird (Rebecca Romijn), is an agent specializing in counterterrorism.
2. An individual with a 190 IQ and a wealth of knowledge about art history is Jacob Stone, played by Christian Kane.
3. Cassandra Killian, played by Linda Booth, possesses the unique ability to experience synesthesia, which involves auditory and sensory hallucinations associated with memory retrieval.
4. Actor John Kim plays Ezekiel Jones, "a master of technologies" who loves playing the part of a mysterious stranger on a global scale and enjoys watching old crime shows.
5. Caretaker Jenkins (John Larroquette), who has been with The Library's branch office "for longer than anyone knows" and is well-versed in ancient lore, is a reluctant and occasionally obstinate figure who looks after the quartet. A cult headed by the enigmatic immortal Dulaque—a recurring figure played by Matt Frewer—the Serpent Brotherhood—against the foursome they fight.

1. Aesop's lyre
TV Fact
It is a musical instrument (and the symbol of Apollo) that can make animals talk. Jenkins mentioned it as one of the artifacts that can bring fairy tales to life.
Fun Fact
Greek storyteller Aesop (pronounced /ˈiːsɒp/ or /ˈeɪsɒp/) was born between 620 and 564 BCE. He wrote various fables, currently collected as Aesop's Fables. numerous stories attributed to him have been passed down and translated into several languages, continuing a storytelling tradition without an author or date. Most stories about him depict humanoid animals.
Aristotle, Herodotus, and Plutarch give partial histories of Aesop. The Aesop Romance, a probable fictional book, has bits of his life. Traditionally, he is shown as a vile slave who becomes free and advises monarchs and city-states through his wits. Esop(e) and Isope were his previous names. Over the last 2,500 years, Aesop has appeared in many works of art including books, films, plays, and TV shows. The reference to "Aesop's lyre," is not well known. A stringed musical instrument, the lyre was popular in classical Greece and associated with Orpheus. Aesop is best known for his moral lectures and fables, not music.

2. Angrboda Crystal
TV Fact
One unusual Norse relic discovered in The Library is the Angrboda Crystal. Hidden in Finland, it remained charmed within an ice block until its owners once again needed its powers.
Life Extension: Regular users of the Crystal's energies can live forever.
Immense Energy: Before requiring a recharge, the Crystal may nourish tens of Frost Giants with its enchantment.
Glowing: To indicate its presence, the Angrboda Crystal will light up blue, if its name is said.
Symbiosis: It can enter the chest of creatures that tap into its power. This will mean no harm or benefit to humans, as the Crystal will be expelled from their bodies a few days after the fusion.
Fun Fact
Angrboða, meaning 'the one who gives grief','she-who-offers-sorrow,' or 'harm-bidder' in Old Norse, has been rendered with several meanings. In Norse mythology, Loki marries the Frost Giant Angrboða or Angrboda to have sons named Fenrir, Hel, and Jörmungandr. These sons will go on to kill prominent gods in the final great battle, Ragnarök. Thus, she is the progenitor of an infinite supply of horrible, awful evil.

3. Apep's sarcophagus
TV Fact
Long ago, in the year 2000, Judson confined Apep in his sarcophagus. After its discovery, the sarcophagus was placed on display in a museum. It was opened by a former navy officer, who happened to be Apep's lover. Next, Dosa placed the sarcophagus in storage until Cynthia Rockwell opened it and Apep took possession of her.
Fun Fact
Death does not concern Apep (or Apophis) because he is not mortal according to Egyptian mythology. Often depicted as a massive serpent, Apep is the symbol of anarchy. In the stories of Apep, the solar deity Ra and this wild creature get into a conflict. An important character in Egyptian mythology was Apep, whose name was Apophis. In his typical form as a gigantic serpent, Apep stands for anarchy. The Egyptian solar god Ra faces off against the destructive deity Apep. Apep stands for evil in Egyptian mythology.
The mythical Apep resides in Hades and, each night, attempts to suck the sun out of existence, leading to eclipses. To ensure the continuation of life, the solar deity Ra battled Apep nightly and announced triumph at dawn. Apep depicts the unending fight between order and chaos in Egyptian mythology. While praying and doing rituals to appease Apep, the worship of Apep was viewed as bad.

4. Apple of Discord
TV Fact
Goddess Eris concocted the Apple of Discord as a magical fruit to sow discord. Legend has it that the goddess of strife, Eris, created the Apple of Discord so that the three most beautiful goddesses in Greek mythology—Aphrodite, Athena, and Hera—would be at odds with one another. Once upon a time, there was an Eastern Dragon (or Fei Lung) whose Mystic Pearl contained the Apple. Even if the Pearl contained an Apple, the dragons didn't know it.
Influence: Its power to shape its possessor is undeniable. The Apple does not alter the bearer's inherent character but rather makes them worse off until they let go of the Apple, reflecting Eris's desire to prevent magical repercussions. Apple seems to be able to tap into a person's suppressed aspects, which could explain why Ezekiel remains unaffected.
Its power to shape its possessor is undeniable. The Apple does not alter the bearer's inherent character but rather makes them worse off until they let go of the Apple, reflecting Eris's desire to prevent magical repercussions.
Fun Fact
Hellenic mythology's "Apple of Discord" is imaginary. Things before the Trojan War were closely related. All the gods save Eris, the goddess of discord, attended a wedding feast, according to most accounts. Infuriated that she was not invited to the meal, Eris flung a golden apple into the goddesses to cause chaos. The apple said, "For the fairest". Aphrodite, Athena, and Hera felt she was the most beautiful and took the fruit. Zeus abstained from the discussion and appointed Paris, a mortal prince of Troy, to decide. Every deity bribed or otherwise tried to influence Paris. Aphrodite promised Paris Helen, the most beautiful mortal woman, as his. Paris kidnaps Helen, causing the Trojan War when the Greeks fight to get her back. Despite its seeming insignificance, the "Apple of Discord" sparks conflict.

5. Asmodeus Grimoire
TV Fact
Merlin crafted the Asmodeus Grimoire, a book that housed the malevolent and excessively strong soul of Asmodeus, one of the seven Princes of Hell. If the book had remained in the hands of Jeff Peppers, he could have used it to become Jenkins and work with The Librarians, his lifelong ambition.
Fun Fact
A figure from many mythology and religious writings, Asmodeus is most commonly associated with the Judeo-Christian and Islamic canons.
Early Christianity and Judaism:
Asmodeus, who is typically linked with desire and wealth, is viewed as a demon in certain demonological traditions. The Jewish mythology describes Asmodeus as king of demons. The legendary tale of Tobit tells of Asmodeus, who fell head over heels for Sarah, daughter of Raguel, and murdered each of her seven husbands on the night of their weddings. After Tobias defeated Asmodeus and married Sarah, he followed the advice of the angel Raphael. During the building of the First Temple in Jerusalem, Solomon enslaved the demon and had him work as a slave, according to the Talmud. A more benevolent Asmodeus is portrayed in other Haggadic tales.
Some Islamic demonology accounts link Asmodeus to a character called Azazil, who is comparable to Iblis, the Islamic Satan. Things aren't always black and white, though, and people's understandings could differ.

6. Atlantean Thaumatite
TV Fact
The Atlantean Thaumatite was a crucial magical material that, when misused, caused the city of Atlantis to collapse. They attempted to use a fragment of Atlantean thaumatite that had gotten into DARPA's custody to decipher quantum computing. Unfortunately, they found themselves ensnared in a virtual reality game that Eziekial Jones had initially interpreted as a time loop—a glitch that had occurred when the quantum computer, powered by magic, encountered its flawed code. Returning the Thaumatite to the Library, the Librarians ensured its safekeeping.
Fun Fact
Commonly, "Atlantean" conjures visions of Atlantis and its superior society. Plato's "Timaeus" and "Critias," two ancient dialogues, include most of His Atlantis tale.
According to Plato, Atlantis was a technological powerhouse that sank in a horrible accident. Atlantis' details and location are disputed because no archaeological evidence has been uncovered. Numerous literary and cultural works have featured Atlantis, which has long fascinated historians, authors, and fans. These settings can use "Atlantean" to refer to anything related to Atlantis.
"Atlantean" may refer to the magical or high-tech characteristics of a fictional Atlantis in fantasy literature, video games, or movies. Many applications are based on creative Atlantis myths across genres.

7. Apollo's Tablet
TV Fact
The Florence Mortuary is where Nicole Noone hid the stolen artifact Apollo's Tablet, which is believed to have originated in Greece. In her quest to find enchanted objects, Nicole Noone used Apollo's Tablet. She used it to find out that the Ukrainian Polesie Forest was home to Koschei's Needle.
Fun Fact
Apollo is a major and multifunctional god in Greek mythology. He is multifaceted, hence Apollo is associated with numerous realms. His symbols include the sun, prophecy, poetry, music, healing, and archery. He was usually shown as the Sun God pulling the sun on a chariot. Apollo patronized art and music. Often depicted playing the lyre, he was the supreme Muse, goddess of learning and art. Many myths feature Apollo. Pythian Games were named after him because he killed the serpent Python.

8. Amelia Earhart's Airplane
TV Fact
The Library conceals Amelia Earhart's Aeroplane, perhaps at the Large Collections Annex. Its powers are unknown since the series never featured it.
Fun Fact
The legendary aviator Amelia Earhart is most recognized for her failed effort to fly around the world. On her last flight, she flew a Lockheed Model 10 Electra. The plane in question was a Lockheed Electra 10E with the identifier NR16020 on its tail. Tragically, while flying over the Pacific Ocean on July 2, 1937, Earhart and Noonan vanished. Near Howland Island was the last confirmed position. The plane they were on was never located, and nobody ever got to the bottom of why Amelia Earhart went missing. Numerous ideas have been advanced to explain Amelia Earhart's and Fred Noonan's disappearance, but so far, no proof of their whereabouts or the fate of the Lockheed Electra has been found.

9. Ark of the Covenant
TV Fact
The Library houses the artifact known as the Ark of the Covenant. Its capabilities are a mystery since it was never employed on the show.
Fun Fact
The Old Testament, or Hebrew Bible, infuses the Ark of the Covenant with religious and historical significance. Exodus and other biblical scriptures describe it in detail. According to the Bible, the Tablets of the Law—stone tablets with the Ten Commandments given to Moses on Mount Sinai—were stored in the Ark. The Israelites believed the Ark housed God.
Who knows what happened to the Ark? The Ark was hidden or lost when the Babylonians destroyed the First Temple in 586 BCE, according to the Bible. Since many hypotheses and stories point to multiple sites, its exact location has long been unknown. It is said to be in historic Axum, Ethiopia.

10. Advanced Learning Buddy
TV Fact
Morgan Le Fay designed the Advanced Learning Buddy, a hope-granting brain training app. The user is distracted by a brain training game while focusing on a goal. Users do witchcraft rituals unwittingly after leveling up. Good or malignant, the software magnifies subconscious wishes.
Like magic, the app follows the Rule of Three. Anyone who uses the app gets their intents thrice returned, which can cause a magical backlash against harm-wishing users. The Librarians and Amy Meyer used the spell's power to strengthen their Farraday cage to stop users from wishing their competitors worse luck. App user Eve Baird requested an "even playing field" versus Morgan Le Fay. She could physically injure Morgan with the magic, a feat not achieved in millennia. The program later helps the Librarians and Flynn Carsen perform the equations for the magic to open a dimensional gateway to the abyss to find The Library.
Fun Fact

11. Appointment book
TV Fact
The Library's Appointment Book records past librarians' upcoming engagements. Since the Library works on a time scale much greater than the human lifespan, the appointment book lets Librarians leave messages for future generations to continue their work. Reintegrate Wardenclyffe Falls inhabitants into our dimension using the 100-year-old Collins Falls Dam capacitor. Get the Angrboda Crystal After reforming.
Fun Fact

12. Bathsheba's Oil of Healing
TV Fact
Late in Season 1, Dulaque mortally injured Eve Baird, but it saved her. After Excalibur injured him, Flynn Carson used it to stop the bleeding.
Miraculous healing can cure all diseases and instantaneously heal any wound, regardless of severity.
Drinking enough Oil is claimed to make you eternal. The dosage is unknown.
It cannot cure Excalibur-induced wounds, but it can save the drinker.
Fun Fact
There is no historical evidence or reference to "Bathsheba's Oil of Healing" in documented records or texts. Bathsheba is a figure from biblical narratives, known for her role in the story of King David. She was the wife of Uriah the Hittite, whom King David later had killed so he could marry her.

13. Blackbeard's Treasure Chest
TV Fact
A relic that Flynn Carsen discovered and brought to the library was Blackbeard's Treasure Chest.
Fun Fact
Blackbeard's treasure chest is a legendary aspect of the pirate lore surrounding Edward Teach, commonly known as Blackbeard, who was one of the most notorious pirates of the Caribbean during the early 18th century. Blackbeard's treasure chest symbolizes the vast wealth and treasures he amassed through piracy. However, no concrete historical evidence supports the existence of a single, specific treasure chest belonging to Blackbeard.
The legend of Blackbeard's treasure has been perpetuated through various tales and accounts of his exploits. According to legend, Blackbeard captured numerous ships and raided coastal towns, accumulating a vast fortune in gold, silver, jewels, and other valuable items. It's said that he buried or hid his treasure in various locations along the Eastern seaboard of North America, particularly in the Outer Banks of North Carolina and the Caribbean islands.
Despite numerous treasure hunters searching for Blackbeard's treasure over the years, no definitive evidence of its existence has ever been found. Many believe that the legend of Blackbeard's treasure chest is more symbolic of the allure and mystique surrounding piracy during the Golden Age of Piracy rather than an actual hoard waiting to be discovered.

14. Bleeding Crown of the Vampire Queen of Northampton
TV Fact
A parasitical relic known as the Bleeding Crown of the Vampire Queen of Northampton was used by Ambrose Gethic to drain a whole town of its youth; nevertheless, the crown was destroyed upon Gethic's defeat.
Fun Fact
"Bleeding Crown of the Vampire Queen of Northampton" blends mythology and fiction. Northampton, England, has a fascinating history, but no reputable source has described a vampire queen or a "bleeding crown" there.
In many cultures, vampires and their charmed possessions or symbols, such as crowns, are mythical. However, these tales are generally based on literature, folklore, or mythology rather than history.
Modern storytelling—fiction, role-playing, or otherwise—may have inspired the Bleeding Crown of the Vampire Queen of Northampton.

15. Book of Solomon
TV Fact
Solomon ruled with the Book of Solomon, a powerful spellbook. The Masons secured the mystery relic in King Solomon's Mine because it constituted a global threat.
Flynn and archaeologist Emily Davenport explored Africa for "Return to King Solomon's Mines" in 2006. Flynn then throws the book into a hot lava pit.
Reality Warping: The book's most powerful spells can change the past and future.
Supernatural Entity Manipulation: This book allows users to summon legions of specters as servants or allies in spells.
Showcase "The Librarian: Return to King Solomon's Mines"
Fun Fact
Canonical and non-canonical works regarding King Solomon can be called the "Book of Solomon". Analysis of many "Book of Solomon" works:
Solomon wrote the Song of Songs, Ecclesiastes, and Proverbs, the three canonical Bible books. These Old Testament writings are revered by Islam, Judaism, and Christianity.
The Testament of Solomon, attributed to King Solomon, is not in the Bible. According to it, Solomon used demons to build the Temple in Jerusalem. Numerous Greek, Latin, and Slavonic manuscripts include Solomon's Testament.
The Key of Solomon or Clavicula Salomonis is a supposed medieval grimoire by King Solomon. Magical rituals, talismans, and spirit invocations are addressed. Lesser and Greater Keys comprise the Key of Solomon. Instead of ceremonial magic, the Lesser Key (Lemegeton) describes how to summon demons.
Septuagint, Greek Old Testament, Catholic and Eastern Orthodox Christian canons, and Wisdom of Solomon are deuterocanonical. Canonical to neither Protestants nor Jews. Solomon's knowledge discusses knowledge, righteousness, and soul immortality.
These are just a few King Solomon quotations. Every "Book of Solomon" feels unique in content, value, and history.

16. Book of the Dead
TV Fact
Housed within The Library lies the enigmatic Book of the Dead.
The specifics of what it contained remain unknown, despite its appearance on the show. Considering Flynn believed it might hold the key to defeating Apep, it likely includes details on the malevolent Egyptian gods and demons.
Contemporary in Real Life
The ancient Egyptian writings known as the Book of the Dead described in detail the various hazards that existed in the Underworld and how a deceased person could pass safely into the afterlife.
Fun Fact
Egyptian funerary literature includes the Book of the Dead (Book of Coming Forth by Day) with incantations, prayers, and orders to guide the dead to heaven. Burial included Papyrus Scroll Book of the Dead. Writings were suggested for underworld survival and Osiris encounters. Book of the Dead magic and prayers helped the dead overcome obstacles, avoid harm, and live eternally. Books of the Dead suited to Egyptian beliefs and circumstances are found in tombs. Complex versions featured spells and images, while simpler versions had only the most crucial texts.
After painstaking investigation, scientists unearthed ancient Egyptian thoughts on death, the afterlife, and the soul in the Book of the Dead. Egyptian theology and spirituality make this relic one of the most important and fascinating.

17. Bracer of Agamemnon
TV Fact
On display in the Library's Antiquities Room is the Bracer of Agamemnon. When Ezekiel Jones sought to retrieve Zeus' lightning bolt, he utilized it alongside other relics to offer protection.
Fun Fact
Greek mythology revolves around Agamemnon and his Bracer, which is linked to the Trojan War. Agamemnon, king of Mycenae, led the Greeks into combat during the Trojan War. Legend has it that Agamemnon wore the Bracer of Agamemnon during the Trojan War and other missions. Metal armguards or wrist guards with intricate designs or symbols are protective. Bracers are often shown as possessing magical or divine capabilities. Some legends say wearing it grants superhuman strength, immunity to damage, or the ability to predict the future. Besides tradition and literature, the Bracer of Agamemnon is primarily a myth. It enhances Agamemnon and the Trojan War heroes' stories and remains captivating in Greek mythology.

18. Back Door
TV Fact
Located in the Annex, the Back Door is a teleportation mechanism that Jenkins invented. Although The Librarians intended to use a miniature, limited-edition version to flee the Bermuda Triangle, they ended up using them to rescue passengers from a downed plane. Without anyone else's help, Flynn traversed the Bermuda Triangle and managed to get away.
It may be attached to any door and used to move from the Annex to any area, even interdimensional ones like the Library or the Labyrinth.
The desired location must be close to an entrance.
There can't be any trembling or fast movement at the location.
Instead of locations, the door can now follow people, although: the portals wouldn't be solid and might vanish at any second;
The user must fasten a cherished item on one side of the door;
Nearby, the individual should keep another treasured possession;
Instead of transporting the user to their intended destination, the Door will take them to the item if they forget to bring it with them.
Fun Fact
18. Book of Librarians
TV Fact
A chronicle of every Librarian's life and exploits, The Book of Librarians is a monumental volume. The Appointment book, which lists where aspiring librarians must be to complete their tasks, may be varied. This volume would be invaluable to any Library foe, regardless of its magic.
Fun Fact

19. Cap of Invisibility
TV Fact
Within the Library, you can find the Cap of Invisibility, a piece of Ancient Greek art.
The Cap of Invisibility can make someone invisible, but it's not clear if infrared or other related technologies could not see them.
Fun Fact
One famous example is Hades' helm, which made its wearer invisible. Cyclopes constructed this hat during the Titan-Olympian battle. Olympians divide war spoils after their win. Hades' share was the helm. This headgear let him walk below and above ground without being observed.
Perseus is a famous Hades and Helm story. To kill Medusa, the gods offered Perseus numerous gifts, including Hades' helm, which he used to approach her without turning stone.
Another Greek legend involving an unseen figure is the Ring of Gyges. When he flipped a magical ring inside out, Shepherd Gyges became invisible. This ring made Gyges invisible whenever he wanted. This let him commit several crimes without consequence.

20. Chess Set from the Mirror Lands
TV Fact
Its powers are unknown.
Fun Fact In "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland," Alice plays chess on a Mirror Lands board. Wonderland's Mirror Lands have a strange chess set. The "Chess Set of the Looking-Glass Kingdom," symbolizes Wonderland's madness.
- Living Chess Pieces: The Mirror Lands provided life pieces for this chess set. King and queen glide over their followers, small horses race knights, and pawns move.
- Strange Moves: Looking-Glass Kingdom chess demands strategy. In this idiotic version, pieces move illogically without thinking. Bishops and pawns can jump over each other like the Queen of Hearts playing croquet.
- Enchanting transforms: The chessboard changes unexpectedly during play. Wonderland evolves because squares can open to other regions and components can form new shapes.
- Chess Piece Conversation: Regular pieces move quietly. However, the Looking-Glass Kingdom Chess Set pieces always communicate. The pieces sing, dance, counsel, and critique their opponents.
Alice uses a Wonderland chessboard. Her quick brain and curiosity help her overcome the Mirror Lands' chess set's odd difficulties, meet intriguing individuals, and learn about this strange region. Alice learns bravery, invention, and mindpower from the Looking-Glass Kingdom's chessboard. Alice enjoys Wonderland's unpredictability and overcomes obstacles.

21. Clipping Book
TV Fact
The magical Clippings book records all the weird magical incidents around the planet. The Annex and Library clippings books are linked. Jenkins gave Cassandra Cillian, Ezekiel Jones, and Jacob Stone, Flynn Carsen's new Librarians, smaller clippings books as graduation gifts at the end of the first season.
Some of the smaller clippings books will record magical events that suit the owner's skills. Interesting information:
- If too many magic-related occurrences happen quickly, it will catch fire.
- Ezekiel created a phone app to store clippings.
- The clippings book simply informs libraries of new cases. It doesn't discuss long-standing disturbances. The book warns of adding to an existing threat.
- If a crucial case changes, the clippings book will fly.
- In And the Loom of Fate, Eve Baird strongly suggests Jenkins is connected to the clippings book. Baird notes that the book and Jenkins dispatched the squad on missions to gather the parts they needed to defeat DuLaque and reclaim the Library.
Fun Fact

22. Coin
TV Fact
Ezekiel Jones finds this lucky coin in the hospital in Bremen.
A Brief History
The coin shows up for the first time when Ezekiel Jones messes with a vending machine and makes the coin return spit out money like a slot machine. This coin shows him the way up the stairs and into the room of Jamie Heyer, a sick girl he becomes friends with. He tells her he will come back and leaves the coin with her. A little while later, Ezekiel throws the coin at Mr. McGuire, the town librarian, who is using the Libris Fabula to take Jamie's life force away and make his own stronger. When it hits Mr. McGuire, the coin goes away, but it freezes him in place.
Luck: It just so happens that the coin falls out of the vending machine in front of Ezekiel. It then defies gravity and bounces up the stairs, leading him straight to Jamie's room, where he learns about the Libris Fabula's power. Stopping Evil Magic Persons using: The coin is a link between Ezekiel (as "the Jack") and Jamie (as a "sleeping princess"). It uses the tropes of fairy tales to become the magical thing that beats Mr. McGuire.
Fun Fact

23. Cornerstones of the Library of Alexandria
TV Fact
Alexandria's library used the first cornerstone. With all four on, the Library will collapse on Earth due to its immensity. Nicole Noone buried three poles 100 years ago. Nicole found the three stones using idea pairings and a map.
People believed Melete, the Muse of Thought, made the first stone.
Water symbolized Annie Edson Taylor, therefore the stone was in her Niagara Falls barrel.
Singing to the Paris Opera House's Aoide-connected stone.
Lightning made Memory Muse Mneme. In Lake Maracaibo, Venezuela, the world's lightning hole, Nicole buried the third stone.
The Shadow Order attempted Library destruction with help. Nicole broke one pole, rendering the other three useless. The library got the last three piers. Cassandra constantly says the Cornerstones are in the Library. Flynn alters history with the Albuquerque Toaster. Nicole influenced history by showing Flynn.
Fun Fact
In this story, the four Library of Alexandria pillars are reimagined. Legend says the Library of Alexandria has four miraculous cornerstones deep inside. Each possessed unique powers that protected its vast knowledge and understanding. Some claimed these pillars had unfathomable mystical powers:
A polished "Whispering Stone" was the first cornerstone. According to close observers, it whispered secrets and lost facts. A swarm of scholars would listen to the faint murmurs from the surface and discover old secrets and facts. The second cornerstone, the Illuminating Stone, cast a mysterious brilliance. On dark nights, it illuminated the library softly. This stone's radiance enlightened seekers in these holy halls and brightened up antique literature. The third cornerstone, the Guardian Stone, a gorgeous magical beast statue, protected the library. Its powerful force deterred thieves and vandals, protecting the valuables inside. The "Timeless Stone." was the fourth and final cornerstone. This rock may bend time. Scholars described spending hours in the library, where time stopped as they read and learned. People thought they could see the future and hear the past through the Timeless Stone.

24. The Crown of King Arthur
TV Fact
The Crown of King Arthur is the former crown of King Arthur. In the time before the Goths took over Camelot, the crown was hidden in Germany in a secret henge in the Black Forest. When Lamia and the Serpent Brotherhood later broke into the library, she took the crown. It showed up again in the episode "The Wrath of Chaos," where Jenkins put it on a pillow on a shelf.
Fun Fact
Medieval literature and folklore associate the Crown of King Arthur with King Arthur of Britain. Although there is no historical evidence for such a crown or King Arthur, the idea of him and his crown has enthralled people for centuries. Merlin supposedly created the Crown of King Arthur using wizardry. The Crown of King Arthur, crafted of pure silver and adorned with miraculous gemstones, was thought to have incredible abilities that gave the wearer divine permission to rule Camelot. The Crown of King Arthur's charm wasn't in its craftsmanship but in its ability to identify deserving wearers. According to the myth, only a sincere, good-hearted leader with honor, strength, and kindness could become King of Camelot. Many noble knights and ambitious pretenders sought the Crown of King Arthur, but the prophecy declared only one could use it to unite the realm and bring peace.
25. Crystal Skull

TV Fact
Ancient artifacts like the Crystal Skull are lost gems from Atlantis.
Super Powers
As a result, the skull is the world's most powerful oracle and can correctly tell the future.
Fun Fact
Quartz crystal skulls are skull-shaped. Aztec and Mayan relics and modern ones are included. The Mitchell-Hedges skull, nicknamed the "Skull of Doom," was a famous early 1900s crystal skull. After visiting Lubaantun, Belize, British explorer Frederick Albert Mitchell-Hedges saw it in 1924. These exquisite quartz crystal skulls with intricate carvings became popular because people believed they had magical powers and were linked to ancient civilizations. The Mitchell-Hedges skull and other crystal skulls are now doubted by modern study. Scientific studies imply that many crystal skulls were made in the 19th or 20th century due to their tool marks, which match modern cutting methods. Many legends about crystal skulls' mystical powers and enigmatic origins have attracted people throughout. Scholars and fans discuss these remarkable relics, which combine archeology, mythology, and the occult.

26. Dorian Gray’s Original Portrait
TV Fact
In the 1800s, Dorian Gray commissioned a picture so that he could magically connect his soul to the painting. This was called "Dorian Gray's Original Portrait." No matter what Dorian did, every bad thing he did was transferred to the picture, making him immortal. Oscar Wilde's book The Picture of Dorian Gray, which is a cautionary story about using magic, was based on this painting. There was a new mosaic portrait that Dorian Gray used in the 21st century, but the original was kept in an art show a few blocks away from Club Effigy. To stop Dorian Gray, Jacob Stone, and Ezekiel Jones smashed the painting.
Fun Fact
Dorian Gray's original picture comes from Oscar Wilde's story "The Picture of Dorian Gray." In the story, Dorian Gray is a young man whose past sins and habits show on his picture as it ages, but he stays the same and young. The painting is a metaphor for how Dorian has lost his morals and how bad things happen to him because he lives a life based on pleasure. Although the story is made up, it's important to keep in mind that it deals with serious topics such as ego, morals, and what beauty is.

27. Dorian Gray’s Mosaic Portrait
TV Fact
Dorian Gray made a picture of himself in the 21st century so that the hundreds of people in the club could take on his sins. Anytime he hurts himself badly, his sins are transferred to the person whose picture was taken most recently.
Fun Fact
Dorian Gray's Mosaic Portrait - NA
Mosaic portraits are made from small bits of stone, glass, tiles, or other things. Putting together these very small pieces, called tesserae, is like putting together a jigsaw puzzle. Mosaic images have been made in many places and times, with a wide range of tools and methods. There are many kinds of mosaic designs, from simple shapes to complex works of art. You can use these things to make art and beautify public and private places. Masks made of mosaic glass are used to decorate public places, churches, and estates.

28. Evil doll
TV Fact
Upon discovering an Evil Doll, Jacob Stone promptly transported it to the Library.
Fun Fact
Folktales and horror stories frequently feature dolls with evil spirits or other supernatural abilities. Dolls evoke feelings of carefree childhood for many people. Although it's not the same as making them cursed or terrifying. Chucky, the notoriously unruly toy from the "Child's Play" horror film franchise, is a household name. The doll Chucky has become a serial murderer, causing a lot of problems for the people in these flicks.
In the "Conjuring" film series, there is the iconic "haunted doll" Annabelle.

29. Excalibur
TV Fact
The only one who could retrieve Excalibur from the stone, according to Judson, was Flynn. There is no hope for Excalibur's wounds, says Flynn. In most of King Arthur's legends, the scabbard of Excalibur is said to have magical healing powers. The Library's most potent artifact, Excalibur, could store all of Earth's magic for hundreds of years—until the show started, that is. A common occurrence in modern tales is the confusion between the Sword in the Stone and Excalibur legends.
Excalibur is a magical sword that can't heal most wounds. Inputting Excalibur into the Stone of King Arthur will charge the Ley lines with magical energy, which will drain and destroy Excalibur.
- Sentience: Cal can make up his mind about who to follow. He usually acts smart and loyal like a smart dog, and he makes acceptable whining noises.
- Flying: Cal can stay in the air for as long as he wants.
- Léyline Unlocking: When Cal is put into his stone, the ley lines that carry magic will be charged, bringing magic back to Earth.
- Crown of King Arthur: Anyone who has this Crown can make Excalibur capitulate, good or bad.
- The Stone of King Arthur: If Cal is put back into the stone, the power inside it will flow into the Earth and melt it away.
Fun Fact
King Arthur, a major figure in British mythology and folklore, is said to have owned the famous sword Excalibur.
- Origins: Based on legend, the Lady of the Lake, a mysterious and powerful person who lived in Avalon, gave Excalibur to King Arthur. In some versions of the story, the Lady of the Lake gives Arthur Excalibur as a test to see if he is ready to be king.
- Magical Properties: Excalibur is often shown as a magical sword with many other amazing features. People say it can't be broken and is full of strong magic. Some versions of the story say that only the real king of Britain can handle Excalibur.
- Symbolism: Excalibur stands for King Arthur's due power and the divine command to rule. Having it shows that Arthur is the chosen leader of Britain and that he is a famous hero.
- The Sword in the Stone: The legend of Excalibur is sometimes mixed up with the story of another mythical sword called the Sword in the Stone. That's the sword that Arthur pulls out of the stone to show that he is royal and to claim his right to be king by birth. Most of the time, though, Excalibur is shown as a different weapon that Arthur gets later in life.
If you read Sir Thomas Malory's "Le Morte d'Arthur," or any other version of the story, Excalibur is given back to the Lady of the Lake by Sir Bedivere after Arthur's last fight, the fight of Camlann. The sword is thrown back into the lake by Bedivere. The Lady catches it and puts it back under the water.

30. Eye of Ampyx
TV Fact
One item housed in the Library that never fails to disclose the truth is the Eye of Ampyx.
Fun Fact

31. Eye of Ra
TV Fact
With the Eye, you should only use it when the battle between Good and Evil is over. For the Eyes to work, a person chosen by the user has to suffer death. In both the real world and legend, it's just as powerful as Apep.
Before its destruction by fire, the Eye was housed in Alexandria's library.
It was subsequently transferred to the British Museum, where Teddy Chislington reassigned it and kept it in the Bermuda Triangle's Looking Glass Rabbit Hole until Flynn Carsen recovered it and transferred it to the Library. Teddy Chislington brought it inside the Triangle with him because of concern that the Librarian who tried to utilize it would corrupt herself or misuse its power. After Flynn demonstrated his worthiness and willingness to make the necessary sacrifice, he only gave it to him.
Flynn tried to sacrifice himself using the Eye to rescue the world, but his friends came and turned Apep mortal. After that, Flynn sealed Pure Evil by placing the Eye of Ra on Apep's forehead, making him the sacrifice instead.
Placing the Eye on a person's forehead causes it to absorb all forms of pure evil. But it also depletes the life force of the person or thing that empowered the Eye.
Fun Fact
The Eye of Ra, or "uraeus," is an Egyptian symbol. This depicts Ra, Egypt's most important sun deity. Power and security are represented. The Eye of Ra is a stylized eye with a lengthy, snake-like body under it. It represents how attentively Ra watches over everything and defends against evil. Stems from Egyptian mythology and universal principles. Ra, the sun deity, wanders across the sky daily. The Eye of Ra was first associated with Hathor, then with Ra, according to myth. Some depict the Eye of Ra as having two sides, one good and one bad. It symbolizes sunshine, warmth, and life. Ra's foes can be destroyed and burned. In Egyptian art and architecture, the Eye of Ra symbolizes protection. It appears on amulets, garments, and other goods as a protective emblem. Ancient Egypt valued the Eye of Ra religiously and culturally. People used it in rites and practices to ward off evil and keep everyone safe.
32. Eye of Wotan
TV Fact
The Eye of Wotan is a Norse artifact currently found at The Library.
As the Eye was never actually used, its powers are unknown.
Fun Fact
This is the Old English form of the name Wotan, which is one of Odin's names. The eye of this god is a reminder of the offering He made at a holy well that was at the base of the World Tree. There was knowledge in the well that God did not yet have, and the Fae guardian of the well would only let God drink from it in exchange for a dear sacrifice: one of his eyes. The god gave up His eye as a trade for the knowledge that came from drinking from the well. In this case, the eye means a big sacrifice that you are ready to make for knowledge.

33. Eye of Zarathustra
TV Fact
The ancient Sumerian librarians discovered the Eye of Zarathustra and brought it to The Library. Despite the Library's confusion at the time, Flynn was able to retrieve it.
The Eye can be utilized to pinpoint the location of the Temple of Zarathustra, which houses the Staff of Zarathustra.
Fun Fact
"Eye of Zarathustra" is a lesser-known mythological or folklore symbol. It could be a word or idea from a fiction, intellectual, or artistic work. Zoroastrianism, one of the world's oldest religions, was founded by an ancient Persian prophet named Zarathustra. In Zoroastrianism, Zarathustra taught about good and evil in the universe and how to worship Ahura Mazda, the most essential god.

34. Faberge Egg
TV Fact
That Faberge egg that you were looking for is in the Library. A $35 million Fabergé egg is put in the Bank of Thieves in "And the Christmas Thief."
It's not clear what powers it has because it was never shown in the show.
Fun fact
Gustav Fabergé's early 1800s Russian jewelry company makes glittering eggs. Fabergé eggs. The following Fabergé egg facts matter: First Fabergé egg was ordered for Empress Maria Feodorovna by Tsar Alexander III for Easter 1885. In the gold and enamel "Hen Egg" or "First Imperial Egg," a miniature Imperial Crown lived.
Fabergé made 50 Emperor's Easter Eggs over decades. The Russian royals ordered 43. Russian royals received Easter eggs often. Quality and complexity in design.
Pearls, gold, enamel, and diamonds adorned Fabergé eggs. Gift and valuable compartments are hidden in enameled eggs.
Many themes and designs were on Fabergé eggs. Russian culture, environment, religion, history, and art were studied.
Fabergé egg production halted after the 1917 Russian Revolution when the Romanov family disintegrated and the House was nationalized. Lots of eggs were sold, lost, or thrown away. Fabergé eggs are coveted worldwide. Wealth and elegance are represented. Many equate them with wealth, style, and art. They boosted the late 1800s and early 1900s Russian style and craftsmanship. Only a few amazing facts about Russian symbolic Fabergé eggs.

35. First Caduceus
TV Fact
The Library has a Greek item like this. Two snakes are wrapped around the stick. There is no information on its powers because they were never shown or used in the movies or TV shows. A trademark, like the one Hermes had. Although the Caduceus is usually thought of as medicine, the Rod of Asclepius, which only has one snake, can also be used in this way.
Fun Fact
The Caduceus appears in many civilizations and myths. In the late 1800s, the U.S. Army Medical Corps employed the first medical symbol, the Caduceus. On a wing-topped shaft, two snakes form the Caduceus. Hermes, Rome's Mercury, was the gods' messenger and defender of travelers, tradesmen, and thieves in Greek mythology. He supposedly carried it. Many think the sign depicts commerce, negotiation, and balancing. The Rod of Asclepius better symbolizes medicine and healing in Greek mythology—a rod-attached snake. Asclepius, the Greek god of health and medicine, has long symbolized medicine.

36. Flying Carpet
TV Fact
When Flynn Carsen went to the tomb of Scheherazade, he found the Silk Road. It's magical. The carpet can fly to the Genie's Lamp.
What's Going on: King Solomon was the first person to make a flying carpet. Scheherazade locked it up in her grave, but Aladdin used it before. The carpet seemed to have magical powers to Flynn Carsen and Dr. Shirin Masri as they searched for Genie's Lamp. It was told to them to use it to find the Lamp by The Forty.
A small piece of the carpet was saved and added to the Library's collection after the fight between Eve Baird and Marjanah of the Forty and the Roc.
Fun Fact
The floating carpet appears in "One Thousand and One Nights" and "Arabian Nights." Many old tales involve flying carpets. Older ones are Persian and Arabic folklore. It became famous after "Aladdin and the Magic Lamp" and "Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves." Flying carpets are usually magical. Stories say it can carry many people and fly wherever its master commands. Supposedly, the floating carpet has magical properties. Strong sorcerers or genies may have made it fly. In stories with floating carpets, the protagonist is often affected. Use it to travel, discover riches, avoid danger, or save others. The flying carpet symbolizes freedom, joy, and mental limitlessness. For millennia, storytellers and audiences have been drawn to it, symbolizing enchantment and wonder.

37. Fortuna
TV Fact
Romans worshipped Fortuna for luck. To govern the world, she desired serendipity, which would destroy everything and make planning and expertise useless.
Jupiter, the Roman gods' commander, tried Saturn, Mars, Fortuna, and Miverva to choose a new ruler. After winning, Fortuna ruled by luck, making judgment impossible. After realizing his mistake, he turned Fortuna into a gaming hall spirit.
Today, a Fortune Downs Racetrack and Casino ley line and players' wishes made a Fortuna statue magical. When Bennie Konopka rubbed the statue daily for luck, it came alive. Fortuna then wished him luck controlling the globe. Bennie took over the casino. Fortuna kissed in a 24/7 casino ad to steal luck. To provide luck, she kissed the race winner's circle. After studying the casino's terrible luck, the Librarians blamed Fortuna. The winner harms Fortuna, who slowly becomes a statue. She became a statue after being vanquished by manipulated races and equipment. She became a sculpture and was stored at the Library.
Fun Fact
Roman goddess Fortuna was the luck and fate goddess. She was believed to control life's ups and downs, affecting individuals and nations. Fortuna held a cornucopia, indicating abundance, and a ship's rudder, symbolizing destiny. Fortuna was a capricious deity who might bring luck or misfortune. People asked her for favors or protection because of her unpredictable luck. She was a famous Roman deity. Many Roman temples and shrines honored her, and festivals and ceremonies were organized in her honor. Fortuna was revered as a goddess and a natural force. She symbolized luck and fortune's ever-changing nature, expressing the concept that chance and circumstance may affect life. She has inspired countless Western art, literature, and philosophy. Popular culture and storytelling often depict fate as fickle and unpredictable.

38. Fountain of Youth
TV Fact
The Library houses the miraculous Fountain of Youth. Several cultures have legends about it. The Fountain has healing powers, allowing bathers to stop aging or regain their youth.
Real-life Ponce de León discovered the Florida fountain in the movie. In the show, Jacob Stone hides beers in the fountain of youth.
Fun Fact
People say drinking or bathing in the Fountain of Youth magically makes them younger and healthier. Many tribes and mythologies tell of the Fountain of Youth. Ancient tales. Herodotus was one of the first to write about a healing Ethiopian spring. Europe loved the Fountain of Youth story during the Age of Exploration in the 1500s and 1600s. Spanish visitor Juan Ponce de León sought Florida's Fountain of Youth in 1513. This has numerous links. Many Greek, Persian, and Chinese stories involve the Fountain of Youth. The Fountain of Youth is sought in many stories to get younger and learn more about oneself. People equate the Fountain of Youth with youth, vitality, and immortality. Some wish to live longer and avoid old age. The Fountain of Youth story inspired literature, art, and pop culture. Poetry, literature, movies, and TV series typically center on this theme.
39. Gabriel's Horn
TV Fact
The Library holds Gabriel's Horn, an unseen artifact with unknown power.
Fun Fact
Gabriel's Horn, also called Torricelli's trumpet, is a strange mathematical object. Based on the biblical character Gabriel and Italian physicist Evangelista Torricelli. Gabriel's Horn is trumpet-shaped. Make it by turning the bend. A three-dimensional shape is created by widening the "mouth" and keeping the "bell" the same length. It intrigues me with its fixed volume and endless surface. A certain amount of paint could fill the horn, but its exterior would need endless paint. Gabriel's Horn defies math. A finite volume and limitless surface area defy geometric form norms. The paradox impacts calculus, especially geometric objects, and infinite series. Historical context: "Gabriel's Horn" is not scriptural. The horn-like shape was given to it later. In the 1600s, Evangelista Torricelli studied revolution solids and developed calculus. In calculus and mathematical analysis, Gabriel's Horn shows convergence, infinite series, and volume-surface area correlations. An intriguing mathematical riddle about geometric shapes and restrictions.
40. Gauntlets of Athena
TV Fact
The Library's antiquities area contains the Gauntlets of Athena.
Fun Fact

41. Genie's Lamp
TV Fact
A powerful djinn lives in Genie's Lamp. Fulfills wishes, but the djinn increases and flees. Ancient Lamp harbored renegade Djinn "Nameless One". The Lamp was utilized for money and power until Aladdin locked it because the Djinn inside was harmful. Dr. Shirin Masri and Flynn Carsen found the Lamp in 2006, but Flynn used the genie's wish-granting powers to render it "lost forever" to safeguard it from The Forty, a centuries-old criminal group Jenkins stated that "it's never the Genie's Lamp" when selecting Bremen fairy tale revival goods. Flynn's efforts to disable the Lamp made him think it was off. Magic returned, bringing out the Lamp. Poor gambler Gus Dunphy found it on Santa Barbara beach. His Lamp luck wish was noticed by the Forty and new Librarians. For Eve Baird, the Librarians entrusted the Lamp to Mark Krieger, the First of the Forty. Krieger couldn't use the Lamp after Eve broke his larynx. As the Lamp cracked, Cillian wished the Djinn inside had "unlimited imagination" because it opened up endless possibilities.
The Aladdin-era Chinese jade lamp is elaborately carved. To release the wish-granting Djinn, rub the Lamp.
Fun Fact
Arabian folklore and "One Thousand and One Nights" or "Arabian Nights." feature the genie lamp, also known as an oil light or magic lamp. Key genie lamp info: Folklore and cultures have long used genie lamps. Arabian folklore, especially "Aladdin and the Magic Lamp." included it. Genie lamps are ornate brass or gold oil lights. Legends suggest the lamp holds gems or inscriptions. A powerful genie or jinn lives in the genie lamp and grants wishes. The genie is usually chained to the lamp until released. The lamp owner gets three wishes from the genie in numerous accounts. The genie can twist these constrained desires. The genie lamp represents magic, wishes, and the supernatural. Adventure, temptation, and morality revolve around it.

42. Ghost Lights
TV Fact
All Western theaters have ghost lights. They'd gather feelings, and when they had enough, they'd head to The Library.
Fun Fact
The term "ghost lights" has many meanings. A theater "ghost light" is a solitary bulb left on stage while no one is there. A little light in a dark room is believed to ward off evil and mishaps. In supernatural folklore, "ghost lights" are often natural glowing entities like spooklights, the Will-o'-the-Wisp, or ignis fatuus. Nighttime lights over ponds, bogs, and graveyards are often modest. Bioluminescent gasses and spirits have been blamed for them over the years.

43. Golden Camel of Marrakesh
TV Fact
For some reason, the Golden Camel of Marrakech got lost while the Library was being cleaned up. The Marrakesh camel with the golden skin was brought back to the library once it was smart again. Its strength is hidden from our eyes.
Fun Fact
The very mention of "The Golden Camel of Marrakesh" conjures images of a fantastical tale's prologue. Marrakesh, Morocco, a city with a rich history and vibrant culture, conjures images of enigmatic beauty and mystery, even if the name doesn't come from a famous myth or narrative.
44. Golden Fleece
TV Fact
The Library is home to the famous Golden Fleece, a piece of Greek art.
Fun Fact
The Golden Fleece is a Greek tale that is said to have come from a ram with wings that Poseidon and Theophane had. Jason, a brave leader, sent the Argonauts on a journey to get the fleece back from Colchis, where a dragon was keeping it safe. King Aeëtes, who was in charge of Colchis, had the fleece and made it a challenge for anyone who wanted to claim it. A strong witch named Medea fell in love with Jason and helped him finish the jobs. With her magic, Jason was able to get back the fleece, which in Greek legend stood for power, authority, and kingship. According to some historians, the story may have come from the old method of collecting gold dust in riverbeds while gold panning.

45. Grandfather Tree
TV Fact
The Grandfather Tree, located in Angel's Forest, holds a magical link to all woods. Native people in the area believed it was the source of life for all woods. President Roosevelt kept Devil's Forest closed for public safety, but kidnappings continued for another 100 years. The Grandfather Tree needed an ambassador to communicate with humans and communicate the dangers of cutting down forests. The Zero Seed needed to be given to a trusted Guardian to warn people about the dangers. In And the Disenchanted Forest, the Forest began kidnapping people at a faster rate. The Librarians and D.O.S.A. investigated, but the Grandfather Tree calmed down after Eve, the Guardian, and Eve promised the Seed's safety. The government plans to protect the forest.
There is a life force relationship between the Grandfather Tree and all the other trees in the world. Forested areas would die with the Grandfather tree if it were cut down.
The Devil's Forest trees can be told to kidnap people using plant magic. When other trees in the area feel threatened, they will stand up and guard the Grandfather Tree.
People who get hit by a tree splinter can hear its "voice" calling out through the bush. This is called telepathy.
Fun Fact
The word "Grandfather Tree" refers to old, beautiful trees that represent wisdom, strength, and longevity. People all over the world respect these trees and think that ghosts or gods live in them. They protect the wild world by giving animals a place to live and food. Some well-known examples are the giant sequoias in California and the legendary trees that are said to have magical and enlightening powers and are often mentioned in stories and tales.