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Part 4: The Librarians TNT Franchise Artifacts (T-Z)

Writer's picture: mysteryhat4umysteryhat4u

Updated: Sep 15, 2024


96. Tesla Hoop

  • TV Fact

Flynn Carsen used the artifact known as the Tesla Hoop to focus the power of the Nemesis Star through the Statue of Liberty, therefore putting an end to Prospero's storm. There were other relics linked to Nikola Tesla, including the Wireless Power Transmitters of Collins Falls.

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"Tesla hoop" or "Tesla coil hoop" refers to a unique framework that incorporates a ring together with devices developed by Nikola Tesla. Even though the name "Tesla hoop" doesn't mean anything, we can still figure out what it would be based on Tesla's research into electricity and electromagnetic phenomena: Nikola Tesla came up with the idea for what is now called a Tesla coil—a resonant transformer circuit—around 1891. The generation of sparse alternating current at high frequencies is its primary function. A ring-shaped electrical component known as a Tesla coil could be used to activate electromagnetic fields as part of a "Tesla hoop" design. One of Tesla's many accomplishments was developing a way to carry energy without the use of wires. Radio waves capable of transmitting electricity across the air would be present in his ideal universe. If the right technology were available, a "Tesla hoop" might potentially transfer electricity wirelessly. In a now-famous experiment, Tesla notably showed how to employ electromagnetic resonance by vibrating a steel rod by connecting it to the resonance of an adjacent oscillator.

97. Tethering Rings

  • TV Fact

When joining the Library as a tether, a Librarian and a Guardian swap formal rings called tethering rings. To be truthful is the Latin definition of veritas. Upon being apprehended by Nicole Noone, Flynn Carsen sent a prerecorded message through his Tethering Ring, which was stored in its glass like data on a hard drive. In response to the ring's closeness to a TV, the message would be displayed to Eve.

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A tethering ring could stand in for a relationship, bond, or connection between people, places, or things in a metaphorical sense. One possible visual metaphor for the bonds that bind is the interdependence, togetherness, or collaboration that they represent.

98. The Ankh

  • TV Fact

An artifact from ancient Egypt, the Ankh served to seal off the entrance that evil used to sneak in. You can use it to open the portal that held Pure Evil.

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The Ankh represented fertility, immortality, and life to the ancient Egyptians. It resembles a cross with a looped top and goes by several names, including the "key of life" and "crux ansata" (which means "cross with a handle" in Latin). The Ankh is frequently depicted in artworks featuring ancient Egyptian deities, particularly those associated with fertility and life (e.g., Hathor, Osiris, and Isis). Rituals, offerings, and other ceremonial contexts often feature it. Although its origins are unknown, the Ankh is believed to have originated in ancient Egypt during the Early Dynastic Period (c. 3100–2686 BCE). Its usage in ancient Egyptian art and religious imagery continued to flourish as it became an enduring symbol. The Ankh has been the subject of much debate among historians and academics. Some see it as a representation of eternal life and the afterlife, while others see it as a representation of the fusion of traditionally male and female traits. The afterlife god Osiris and other gods who share it further associate it with concepts of reincarnation and endless life. In ancient Egyptian ritual art and funeral rites, the Ankh was a staple. From time to time, it was displayed on tomb walls and sarcophagi or placed in the hands of the deceased as a final safeguard for a painless transition to the next life.

99. The Final Rest

  • TV Fact

Among the six magical Mystery Houses was Amulet House. Everything we know about it is based on the fact that it was destroyed and is now extinct.

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100. The House of Refuge

  • TV Fact

Mystery House of Refuge keeps the destitute safe. The Shatterbox serial killer terrorized Katie Bender. 960 CE Refugee Homes. Though independent, it adapted to local tastes. Poor people had homes. Success, finders. After the tenant went, the house benefited others. Late-1800s Bloody Benders, serial killers evading capture, found the mansion. On the unique property, their daughter Katie Bender had her headquarters. Her immortality drew and hit. Katie recognized the 19th-century American frontier house design, which acquired victims. House victims were isolated to fight Katie's evil. Her homicide intent was excessive. Though the home detested her, she enjoyed acting persecuted to scare her victims. The haunted mansion has inspired every narrative for centuries, from mountainous castles that drive ghost hunters insane to slasher sorority residences. Without knowing it was falling apart, the Mystery House kids called the House of Refuge the "Shatterbox". Book-marketing In 2014, Eve Baird and the Librarians found Katie injured and scared in Slovakian woods. Found a refugee home. Library staff were misled about a roommate kidnapping. Home terrorized victims again. Shakes throw blades at walls, create phantom footsteps, and revive victims. Visions showed librarians searching the property. Katie transformed the house's soul into the scary Hammer Man with a hammer and cigarette. Locking Jacob Stone and Ezekiel Jones in the house, she hit their automobile with the Hammer Man. Residents took Katie to a playhouse to escape. They concluded that the house was fine but had gone wrong after offering Ezekiel video games, beer, and samosas and explaining its history. Katie chased Cassandra Cillian through the house and confessed to murder before implicating her. Cassandra's house appreciation improved. After losing her house connection, Katie became immortal, allowing Cassandra to kill her for her friends. Katherine fixed up the mansion and made Hammer Man a nice butler. More than the Librarians' automobile was fixed. The mansion seemed little in the trunk as they left, suggesting it might join Library. House of Refuge, like Excalibur, is mystical. In guest conversations, it will appear as a nice old butler. Helping people makes Cassandra happy. Photos show its beneficiaries. Katie's house and avatar were ugly and depressing. Katie's victims would benefit. One time, the house disliked Katie. Residents use the House of Refuge. Home of Refuge teleportation is possible at midnight. When corrupted, the House is the Hammer Man; when restored, a sweet Old Butler. House changes may occur. Movement changes things internally. While Katie Bender became immortal and indestructible, Jacob Stone and Ezekiel Jones were doll-sized and housed. Old photos and dreadful sounds are in House of Refuge.

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101. The Library's First Book

  • TV Fact

The first book ever added to the shelves of the Library of Alexandria was a scroll that dates back to the third century BC; it is called the Library's First Book. The scroll holds a special place in the Library, unparalleled by any other book or artifact. The Scroll contains a spell called "The Trial of the One," which is a fatal duel to determine The Librarian. 

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102. The Murder Harp

  • TV Fact

The Murder Harp Is a priceless artifact that once belonged to Sterling Lamb! The artifact, which goes by the name "Murder Harp," is made from the girl's bones and decorated with her hair. Everyone who hears it gets their souls rotted. Among Jenkins's most cherished possessions was the murder harp.

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103. The Shadow Box

  • TV Fact

The Shadow Box, a terrifying mystery house, has caused countless deaths across the globe. Like the other Mysterious Houses, it is a powerful, living artifact of magic. In contrast to the friendly and helpful House of Refuge, the Shadow Box is an intimidating and perhaps hazardous location. According to Jenkins, it has set off a chain reaction of "feeding cycles" that have an impact on people of all ages and backgrounds across the globe. Even though the Librarians know about it, nobody has ever met it in person, so it's reasonably cautious. It seems plausible that the House of Refuge and the Shadow Box are one and the same, given the Shadow Box's history of movement and activity (the first observation was in 1883) and the fact that the Bloody Benders founded the House of Refuge in the 1800s.

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104. The Thread

  • TV Fact

Using a mystical ball of twine called The Thread, Theseus was able to escape from The Labyrinth. In re-creating it, Golden Axe Food Company followed Theseus's original use in navigating the Labyrinth. Ezekiel Jones and Cassandra Cillian were able to escape the Maze with its assistance in the end.  The labyrinth was constructed by the Golden Axe Food Company using a collection of one-of-a-kind Minoan relics that concentrated the Thread's power. You can use the Loom of Fate to repair it if it ever gets damaged by an outside source. Take the story of Theseus and Ariadne as an iconic illustration of the price tag associated with magic. Because he broke his promise to Minos' daughter and did not take her with him when he fled, Ariadne cursed him. As a premonition of his son's death, Theseus's father took his own life after failing to alter the ship's sails from black to white.

  • Fun Fact

The thread Theseus used plays a crucial role in the Greek myth of the Minotaur. Since Ariadne, daughter of King Minos of Crete, bestowed the fabric upon Theseus, the moniker "Ariadne's thread" is fitting. The thread that Theseus needed to escape the labyrinth and defeat the Minotaur was given to him by Ariadne. Legend has it that King Minos of Crete ensnared the hideous Minotaur—a monster with parts bull and man—in a labyrinth built by the renowned artisan Daedalus. So that the yearly sacrifice of youngsters may come to an end, the hero of Athens, Theseus, offered to enter the labyrinth and kill the Minotaur. The enigmatic ball of thread had its origins before Theseus even set foot in the labyrinth; it had been bestowed upon him by Ariadne to unravel. Following the thread allowed Theseus to return to the labyrinth's entrance after he vanquished the Minotaur, avoiding the labyrinth's twists and turns. Using the thread that Ariadne had given Theseus, he defeated the Minotaur and then escaped the labyrinth. After killing the beast, he went back to where he had started and used the thread to get the other young Athenians to safety. In times of difficulty, Ariadne's thread represents strategy, resolve, and concentration. It represents the way Theseus triumphed over a seemingly impossible obstacle.

105. Thor's Hammer

  • TV Fact

In Norse mythology, there is a mystical weapon called Mjolnir, which means Thor's Hammer. The Library is the present location. The Drowned Book made passing reference to it somewhere. Although Thor's Hammer could theoretically drive Prospero's storm out of the city, Jenkins claims that in practice, it would destroy half of New York City. As the Librarians deliberated on ways to alleviate the storm, Ezekiel yearned for further information. Although the show doesn't delve far into the subject, it is said to be capable of producing enormous winds and shifting vast quantities of air. In a nutshell, its abilities are the ability to summon lightning and create storms, which is fitting given its legendary status.

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When it comes to Norse mythology, one of the most renowned and potent weapons is Mjölnir, the Hammer of Thor. Mjölnir is the primary weapon of the Norse deity Thor, who is associated with might, lightning, thunder, and storms. It gained fame all across the globe due to its reputed power and ability to channel Thor's celestial strength. In Norse mythology, the dwarven brothers Brokkr and Sindri were said to have crafted Mjölnir. In a bet with the dwarves, the naughty god Loki had it made since they couldn't create something more magnificent than the gods'. Even though Loki attempted to sabotage Mjölnir, it ultimately became one of the most cherished belongings of the gods. Mjölnir is a large hammer with a square head and a short handle. It can crush through any obstacle and destroy mountains because to its massive weight and practically indestructible build. It is said that the hammer always hits its target and, when thrown, goes back into Thor's grasp. As a symbol, Mjölnir stands as a barrier between the human world of Midgard and the gods' realm of Asgard, protecting both from harm—most notably the fury of giants and other wicked ones. An item of great religious and social significance in Norse culture, Thor's Hammer was often worn as an amulet by believers in the god. People believed that by wearing it during ceremonies and rites, it would grant the wearer good fortune and protection.

106. Toaster of Albuquerque

  • TV Fact

Even though it seems like any other ordinary modern gadget, the Toaster of Albuquerque may transport its user to a specific moment in one person's life. After some time, the Library got its hands on the Toaster, but Jenkins still didn't know what it did; all he knew was that it almost devastated Yosemite National Forest. The position of artifact tester for the Library was assigned to the Toaster by Jenkins. It was Flynn Carsen's intention to alter Nicole Noone's history with the Toaster when he fixed the Library. Flynn discovered that the Toaster is a portal that, for a short period of time, locks onto a person rather than a specific location or date. Attempting to use the Toaster to travel back in time to the first time Nicole came, Flynn discovers that the portal would close unless he keeps the dial down. With Eve Baird extending a helping hand, Flynn travels to the past to the moment when Nicole utilized the toaster to attain immortality. After emerging from the Toaster's temporal vortex, Flynn found himself at the Library. Only he and Eve recalled the past, he discovered. The Toaster's pyrokinesis, if let loose, might destroy a whole national forest. The main feature of the Toaster is the ability to create a portal that transports the user to another person's timeline. While sending someone else through the portal, you must hold down the Toaster's dial to maintain the connection, which is only valid for a limited while. This is something the time traveler can utilize when they visit the person to change their past.

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107. Tree of Confucius

  • TV Fact

Near the Library's center lies the Tree of Confucius, which has the power to make fairy tales come to life.

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108. Tree of Knowledge

  • TV Fact

Another moniker for the Tree of Knowledge is "The Heart of the Library," and it originated in Eden. This tree possesses immense strength. This is the tree that, according to biblical accounts, Adam and Eve sucked from. If the Tree gets hurt or dies, the Library will also die. The Tree is small and youthful-looking despite its age and importance, just like information, which is inherently dynamic and incomplete. The routes of the Large Collections Annex are stylized versions of the Tree pattern that appears on Yahuda's shield in the artwork held by Simone Renoir.Wood possesses enchanted qualities: Magical artifacts such as Prospero's Staff and Shakespeare's Quil can be fashioned from its branches. From the very beginning, the Library has relied on the Tree for its boundless energy. A tree may be killed or seriously damaged by a powerful fire spell, despite the fact that it will never die.

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The "Tree of Knowledge" is a metaphor in numerous faiths, myths, and cultures. A reference to the Tree of Knowledge is made in Genesis, which is included in the Bible, and is embraced by the Abrahamic faiths, which include Christianity and Judaism. The traditional location is said to be in Eden, the very spot where Adam and Eve lived. The traditional account states that because Adam and Eve disobeyed God's command not to partake from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, they were banished from paradise. The Tree of Knowledge is a popular symbol for the accumulation of intelligence, knowledge, and wisdom. It could represent, in some ways, the pursuit of knowledge and the truth. In contrast, it can also denote sin, disobedience, and the outcomes of curiosity when applied to the biblical narrative. As a symbol of the duality of human nature, or of good and evil, the Tree of Knowledge is sometimes depicted as having a dual nature. Making morally sound choices is difficult because it highlights the tension between caving in to temptation and accepting personal responsibility. Myths and civilizations from all around the world feature trees—holy trees or trees of knowledge—with similar symbolic meanings. For instance, in Norse mythology, the Yggdrasil is a cosmic tree that bridges all realms. Many indigenous peoples hold trees in high regard as sacred symbols of our ancestry, our connection to nature, and the spiritual realms beyond.

109. Tree of Sorrow

  • TV Fact

Right in the middle of the Library stands the Tree of Sorrow.

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110. Wireless Power Transmitters

  • TV Fact

Nikola Tesla created Wireless Power Transfer Transmitters in 1915. Tesla installed wireless power transmitters that looked like gas lamps in Wardenclyffe Falls, a hamlet he built for the purpose. After the experiment failed in 1915, 87 locals were put out of sync with the world when he turned on the transmitters. In the middle of an energy discharge, the inhabitants could see the outside world but couldn't act. Tesla modified transmitters to produce a stable energy field that prevented incorporeal occupants from disappearing. Although in the control room, Mabel Collins was largely protected from the disaster. Tesla turned her into a "grounding wire" that kept her grounded and connected to the outer world. Mabel, like the other Wardenclyffe Falls residents, is stabilized by wireless power transmitters and would disappear if she crossed the circuit border. Tesla built a dam reintegration system, but the power wasn't generated until after his death. To protect the stabilizing circuit and reintegration system, he relinquished many patents to the government in exchange for dam maintenance and the development of Collins Falls, named for Mabel Collins. The wireless transmitter-centered layout helped the new town's residents establish themselves. In 2014, victims in the off-kilter stage requested Librarian help with reintegration. But Tesla's capacitor was in terrible health, and Cassandra Cillian understood that if it failed, it might start a chain reaction that would blow up locations hundreds of miles distant and destroy the wireless power transmitters that stabilized power. Turning off the reintegration system saved the stabilizing circuit but shackled the peasants. Because it would take a long time to build up the necessary strength again, the Librarians inserted a notation in the appointment book to enable future Librarians build and activate a more reliable reintegration system. Tesla's rebuilding of the wireless power transmitters into an energy circuit helps the unsynchronized villagers stay calm.Even if the initial experiment failed, the transmitters are vital to the reintegration system since they deliver energy through the circuit when turned on.

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Yes, electrical genius and pioneer Nikola Tesla did explore the prospect of wireless power transmission during his lifetime. A great deal of modern technology may be traced back to his pioneering ideas on wireless power transfer, which were well ahead of their time. The Wardenclyffe Tower, an ambitious project by Tesla, was situated close to Shoreham, New York. It is also known as the Tesla Tower. Its primary function was to serve as a wireless transmission station, which meant the tower could have distributed power across a large area  Several tests were carried out by Tesla to demonstrate the viability of wireless power transfer. Electromagnetic waves, according to his hypothesis, might transmit power over long distances, whether underground or in the sky. While working on tests for wireless power transfer, Tesla used a resonant transformer circuit called the Tesla coil. Under Tesla's theory, his coil could generate high-voltage, high-frequency alternating currents that could be used for wireless power transfer. Among Tesla's public displays of wireless power transfer was the ability to remotely power tiny equipment and light lamps; he also secured patents for these discoveries. He also filed patents for wireless transmission technologies, while many of his ideas were groundbreaking but impossible to implement at the time. Persistent Challenges: No matter how great his ideas were, Tesla ran into several problems when trying to realize his vision of universal wireless power transmission. Shortfalls in capital, technical limitations, and skepticism from scientists and investors were only a few of the obstacles he faced. Even though his dream of worldwide wireless power transmission was never fully fulfilled, Nikola Tesla's impact on the areas of wireless communication and power transmission continued long after his death. His theories continue to inspire STEM fields to explore new frontiers in wireless energy transmission. Despite the innovative and futuristic nature of Tesla's work on wireless power transmission, it was frowned upon throughout his lifetime due to the numerous problems it finally faced.


111. Zero Seed

  • TV Fact

In preparation for the destruction of the Devil's Forest, the Zero Seed was given to the Librarians by the Grandfather Tree. This would allow them to revive the world. Cutting down the Devil's Forest would lead to the extinction of all other forests on Earth and, by extension, all life on Earth. The Zero Seed was distributed to the Librarians so that they could be ready for this potentiality. One possible description is a golden pinecone.

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112. Zeus's lightning bolt

  • TV Fact

The Bolt can unleash a bolt of lightning with devastating force. In the wrong hands, it may detonate with devastating force. You might be able to locate Zeus' lightning bolt in the Antiquities room of the Library. A deadly bolt of lightning can be unleashed by the Bolt. It might explode with catastrophic force if it fell into the wrong hands.

  • Fun Fact

Zeus is often depicted in Greek mythology as a bolt of lightning. As king of the gods and master of Mount Olympus, Zeus wields the thunderbolts, emblems of power and authority. Legend has it that Zeus bought the lightning bolt from the master craftsmen, the giants with one eye, the Cyclopes. As a token of their appreciation for Uranus's rescue of the Cyclopes from captivity in the primeval sky, the gods transformed the thunderbolt into a weapon for Zeus. The lightning bolt is a potent symbol of Zeus's dominion over the night sky, tempests, and the elements. This represents his mastery of the forces of nature, which he employs to inflict punishment on mortals and immortals alike. A formidable emblem and weapon in battle, Zeus brandishes the lightning bolt when facing giants, titans, and other legendary creatures. The devastating lightning and thunder unleashed by Zeus's thunderbolt allow him to vanquish foes and alter the course of battles. The lightning bolt is a visual representation of Zeus's power and sovereignty as the ultimate monarch of the Greek gods. As the arbiter of heavenly order and protector of cosmic peace, it is an appropriate emblem of his role. In Western culture, the lightning bolt has become a legendary symbol representing Zeus's strength and might. It is a visual shorthand for heavenly or supernatural force that appears frequently in art, literature, and popular culture. Zeus demonstrates his authority, punishes disobedient ones, and protects his empire in several myths and legends using his lightning bolt. In a famous tale, Zeus kills the serpent-like creature Typhon with his thunderbolt, preventing him from gaining strength for the gods. Zeus' lightning bolt is a symbol of his authority over the elements and the gods in Greek mythology. He can't be himself without it.  


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