In the 2019 CW TV show, "Nancy Drew" (based on the beloved mystery novels) is a young detective who works in a modern context. Famous for its trademark dark and atmospheric tone, the show combines supernatural aspects with conventional mystery-solving. Among the most prevalent themes in series quotes are friendship, the pursuit of truth, and suspense. The tenacity, intelligence, and insight displayed in Nancy Drew and her companions' conversations—portrayed by Kennedy McMann—are consistently impressive. Because the show often explores complex emotions and relationships, quotes that discuss trust, loss, and the discovery of hidden truths resonate with viewers. The dialogue combines mystery with emotional depth to bring Nancy Drew into the contemporary period for a new audience, while maintaining true to the spirit of the classic stories while adding modern elements.
"Mystery is everywhere. And it's up to us to solve it."
- Nancy Drew
"Yeah, but I never let that stop me from finding the truth, so kiss me."
- Nancy Drew
"My Dad once told me it’s possible to live a good life even without a soulmate. He was half right. It is. But now I know that we choose soulmates ourselves. Fate leaves that up to us."
- Nancy Drew
"Will you solve this part of the mystery with me?"
- Ace Hardy
"I wasn’t Nashua’s wife. I was August Pritchard. Our souls didn’t entangle because of love but because of vengeance."
- Nancy Drew
"Your past life was the source of the evil that’s been destroying me."
- Tristan Glass
"All I have ever done is try to protect this town, and now I was the one responsible for the darkness that haunts it."
- Nancy Drew
"Maybe some mysteries don’t need to be solved."
- Ace Hardy
"Can you just let it go? It is so like you to rope me into another mystery and force me to solve it with you just when I’ve moved on."
- Ace Hardy
"Love isn't always easy, but it's worth it."
- Ned "Nick" Nickerson
"Courage isn't the absence of fear; it's the determination to move forward despite it."
- Ned "Nick" Nickerson
"There’s a reason we met. I feel like we’re connected somehow."
- Tristan Glass
"People think I'm nuts for believing in ghosts, but I've seen enough to know they're real."
- Nancy Drew
"I thought if I ever broke the curse, I’d feel free, but I just feel empty. I don’t know who I am."
- Tristan Glass
"Nancy, you can't run from your problems forever."
- Carson Drew
"Sometimes the truth is more complicated than we think."
- Carson Drew
"Well, normally, I try to find something I can solve. Lately, every mystery I unravel, I make everything worse, and then someone’s always left to pick up the pieces, including you."
- Nancy Drew
"You came back through the ghost web to save me. I’m going to save you now."
- Nancy Drew
"Dying in your arms is not so bad."
- Tristan Glass
"No, you are not going anywhere. I did this, and I will find a way to fix it come hell or high water."
- Nancy Drew
"Hey, once a Keeper, always a Keeper."
- Bess Turani Marvin
"Why is it we can make a decisive plan about how to battle ancient Grimms, but we fall apart when it comes to our relationships?"
- Nancy Drew
"I want you to be happy. One day a long time from now, I hope that we can both find another great love".
- Nancy Drew
"Sometimes the best way to solve a mystery is to get your hands dirty."
- George Fan
"You seem to have forgotten that you're the one who broke my heart."
- Nancy Drew
"And I have lived with that every second of every day since. But I'm sick of being punished for wanting us alive. Real love isn't dying for each other."
- Ace Hardy
"The thing is, when you have the best kiss of your life, you don't just give up on a person. Right?"
- Nancy Drew
So the pattern is that there is something out there that can erase the terrible things you did and replace it with fake but pleasant memories."
- Bess Turani Marvin
"Yeah, that's tomorrow's migraine."
- Bess Turani Marvin
"I still do. I want to be with you more than anything, but it is not worth the risk. We were friends before for a long time. Even when we had secret feelings for each other, we shoved them down, and we could still be in each other’s lives. We managed."
- Ace Hardy
"I don’t know. If there is a death curse on us, maybe it would be better to not fight it and exist in a world together as friend."
- Ace Hardy
"I know it seems impossible, but has the impossible ever stopped us?"
- Nancy Drew
"I should be. I’m cursed. But of all the times we have faced death, I have never been more excited to keep living."
- Ace Hardy
"I'm still terrified of losing you, but I think that we owe it to ourselves to at least try to find a way to be together."
- Nancy Drew
"For weeks, I've been going through all of these complicated, painful things that I feel for you. Anguish of not getting to be with you. Fear that I'll get you killed. The guilt that follows, and then I get hit with this water, and it's like all of those feelings are locked away. I can't get to them, and all I feel is this anger that shuts down everything else."
- Nancy Drew
"If you can't trust your friends, who can you trust?"
- Bess Turani Marvin
"Secrets have a way of coming out, no matter how deep you bury them."
- Bess Turani Marvin
Yeah, and still caused so much suffering. It’s like my compass is off, my sense of true north, and I’m supposed to be an adult now. So why do I feel so lost?
- Nancy Drew
"That’s not good enough. I want to make decisions that I can be proud of. I want to be someone that I can be proud of."
- Nancy Drew
"Local legend says that on this night every year, lovers’ souls separated in death can find each other. So people write the name of their beloved, seal it in a bottle, and send it out to sea so their souls can reunite if they so desire on this side or the other."
- Nancy Drew
"Sometimes you have to fight for what you believe in."
- George Fan
"The past doesn't define you, your actions do."
- George Fan
"I’m not upset. I can talk about a platonic friend who I have to keep alive by never letting him know that I’m in love with him so that we don’t act on our feelings for one another and activate a secret death curse."
- Nancy Drew
"You know what is so romantic? Solving a homicide together. With me."
- Nancy Drew
"Life is a puzzle, and every piece matters."
- Ace Hardy
"Even the smallest clue can lead to the biggest discovery."
- Ace Hardy
"Good news: I found a smoking gun. Bad news: The smoking gun is ghosts."
- Nancy Drew
"I don't go searching in the dark not after the darkness found me."
- Nancy Drew
We all have secrets, Nancy. Yours just happen to involve dead people.
- Bess Turani Marvin
"Mysteries are everywhere, and I have a talent for finding them."
- Nancy Drew
"I'm not just the tech guy, okay? I have layers."
- Ace Hardy
"People don't just disappear, not without a trace."
- Nancy Drew
"The truth isn't always what we want it to be. Sometimes it's what we need it to be."
- Carson Drew
"I have to trust myself and my instincts."
- Nancy Drew
"Money can't buy happiness, but it can sure help you run from your problems."
- Ryan Hudson
"Every clue is a piece of the puzzle, and every puzzle has a solution."
- Nancy Drew
"It's not about what you know, it's about what you can prove."
- Ned "Nick" Nickerson
"The thing about ghosts is, they're just echoes of the past. But sometimes, the past isn't ready to let go."
- Nancy Drew