The American television series "The Librarians" premiered on TNT on December 7, 2014. It is a direct sequel to Noah Wyle's "The Librarian" films. John Rogers created and Electric Entertainment produced the performance.
"The Librarians" follows four employees of an ancient organization under the Metropolitan Public Library. The group defends against magical and mythical threats. The squad fights otherworldly threats and finds and protects magical items in each episode. The show mixes adventure, fantasy, and comedy, like "Warehouse 13" and "Indiana Jones".
The show ended on February 7, 2018, after four seasons. Known for its cheerful, adventurous tone and great ensemble cast, "The Librarians" has a loyal following.
"The library is not just a place of books and knowledge. It is a repository of the world's greatest secrets and a beacon of hope and imagination."
- Jenkins
"Being a Librarian is about solving puzzles, righting wrongs, and saving the world. Sometimes all in the same day."
- Flynn Carsen
"We're not just Librarians. We're guardians of the world's magic and knowledge."
- Eve Baird
"Math and science are like magic. They're just a different kind of magic."
- Cassandra Cillian
"History isn't just facts and dates. It's stories, and it's our job to make sure those stories are remembered."
- Jacob Stone
"I'm not saying I'm a master thief, but I've never been caught."
- Ezekiel Jones
"Magic is real. It has rules. It has boundaries. And it must be protected."
- Jenkins
"The library chose you for a reason. Trust it. And trust yourself."
- Flynn Carsen
"We face impossible odds, but we do it together. Because that's what Librarians do."
- Eve Baird
"Just because something is hard to believe doesn't mean it's not true."
- Cassandra Cillian
"We're the Librarians. We're the protectors of history and the keepers of secrets."
- Flynn Carsen
"There's always another way."
"We don't leave anyone behind."
- Eve Baird
"Magic is a tool, like any other."
"There are rules to magic, and breaking them comes at a cost."
- Jenkins
"Math is the language of the universe."
"Trust the numbers."
- Cassandra Cillian
"There's more to life than books and museums."
"Art and history are intertwined."
- Jacob Stone
"I don't steal. I liberate."
"It's not about the prize; it's about the challenge."
- Ezekiel Jones
"Knowledge is power, and I have the power!"
- Flynn Carsen
"This is what I live for: solving mysteries, finding artifacts, saving the world!"
- Flynn Carsen
"There's always a way out. You just have to be clever enough to find it."
- Flynn Carsen
"The world is full of magic and wonder. You just have to know where to look."
- Flynn Carsen
"Every artifact has a story. It's up to us to discover it."
- Flynn Carsen
"It's not about the books, it's about the stories within them."
- Flynn Carsen
"The key to a successful mission is improvisation."
- Flynn Carsen
"History is not written by the victors; it's written by the survivors."
- Flynn Carsen
"Books are more than words. They're portals to other worlds."
- Flynn Carsen
"The Library is a place of unlimited possibilities."
- Flynn Carsen
"Knowledge is the greatest weapon of all."
- Flynn Carsen
"You're nice and cute and completely crazy."
- Eve Baird
"We are The Library. It lives and breathes inside each and every one of us."
- Eve Baird
"If you want to destroy the Library, you must destroy men's belief in it."
- Nicole
"Do you like my dress, by the way? I've been saving it for a special occasion. Like watching the world burn."
- Nicole
"An admirable quality. But they're loyal to the Library above all else."
- Library
"Librarians together, Librarians forever."
- Ezekiel Jones
"The Library will revert to what it was originally. An institute caring only for the protection of its artifacts."
- Jenkins
"This is better than drawing straws. As much as I hate magic, I hate luck even more."
- Jacob Stone
"You all must know. Serving you has been the greatest pleasure of my life."
- Jenkins
"I was built to protect my artifacts."
- Library
"You had to be me for a couple of days. I have to be me forever."
- Jeff
"I was kept a prisoner for 100 years. Sorry I wasn't excited to go running back."
- Nicole
"I'm taking Eve bowling. I've been polishing my balls all week. ... Scratch that. That didn't come out right. A bunch of weird events together is magic."
- Cassandra Cillian
"You finished with your little soliloquy? Because I’m tired."
- Flynn Carsen
"A man who eats crackers in bed wakes up feeling crumby."
- Monkey King
"Do you guys always do a recap before you go on a job? No wonder your missions take so long."
- Charlene
"The Library chose you, not for your gift, but for your ability to know when to use it, and when not to. And when the time comes, I know you’ll do the right thing."
- Eve Baird
"And I respect that decision. But that means from now on your lessons must be ones you teach yourself. That is your practice."
- Monkey King
"I already love, trust, and believe in someone so much I could never be swayed. And that person is me."
- Ezekiel Jones
"No. I don’t need other people to make me believe in myself, to validate me. And you don’t, either!"
- Ezekiel Jones
"Library has the complete collection of lost classics of human civilization, panoply of literature, and you read The Inquisitor."
- Flynn Carsen
"Let’s just say I traveled through the looking glass, and it was quite a ride. And I learned the best defense to have is not a suit of pride, but rather, for going to war with good friends by your side. So, what do you say, friends? Shall we see it through?"
- Flynn Carsen
"Well, I wouldn’t say I was a *victim* of my pride. Wait wait wait wait wait wait! No, I’m not a humble man. I used to be. I used to be a lot of things. I used to be insecure, scared, and I hated it. And I think I’ve built up an armor of confidence to hide the fact that I’m never more than two steps away from a full-on panic attack. And I can see… I can see how that would alienate the people who care about me the most. And I’m, I’m very sorry about that."
- Flynn Carsen
"I love you more than learning itself."
- Flynn Carsen
"So, thanks to Jenkins, we can get *out* alive, but thanks to physics, we can’t get *in* alive."
- Eve Baird
"I understand your logic is sound. But... there is nothing that would stop me from coming after you!"
- Jenkins
"The death of a thousand Librarians would not equal *this* Guardian!"
- Oracle of Delphi
"It's the 'not bad' parts that make people thing the 'bad' parts really aren't that bad. It's *dangerous*. Yeah, magic got us out of trouble today. But it's also what put is *in* it, too."
- Jake
*Everyone* has blind spots, brother. Sometimes you feel so deeply about something you miss the big picture."
- Jake
"And stop the show? Not a chance! He's like a kitten on catnip!"
- Ezekiel Jones
"Not a dream, an Apocalyptic vision!"
- Flynn Carsen
"Well, you're a 'library is half-empty' kinda gal today, aren't you?"
- Flynn Carsen
"Interesting fact! A ram's head is a druid symbol of power and virility!"
- Flynn Carsen
" *More* interesting fact? Druids are trying to *kill us*!"
- Eve Baird
"I was just thinking -- If they never found us, kissing you is how I'd like to spend eternity."
- Flynn Carsen
"Real love is hard. It's risky. Sometimes, it'll break your heart."
- Eve Baird
"This is not a story, Ariel. These are real people, with real lives."
- Flynn Carsen
"Crazy"? So, on a scale of "running from minotaurs" to "Santa Claus is now a best mate of ours," where would a time loop fall?"
- Ezekiel Jones
"I know many things. I know what ends your immortality. You cannot be killed, but you can die. Is this not worth a bargain?"
- Fae
"At the end of the day, there's a big difference between image and identity."
- Jenkins
"You are the nameless ones. The faceless ones. Just "Guardian." "
- Dorian Gray
"The Guardian's job is not to save the Librarians' bodies. It is to save their souls. And you did that admirably today, Colonel."
- Jenkins
" Mr. Stone, the thing to remember about devils is they will never appear in a cape and horns, they will come dressed as everything you ever wished for."
- Jenkins
"I'm precisely as charming as I believe I am, to the decimal place."
- Moriarty
"Cassandra! Please do not fan-girl over the arch villain!"
- Eve Baird
"You want to know the most important thing I've learned being a Librarian? It's that there's a difference between doing what's best, and doing what's right."
- Cassandra Cillian
"Whatever happens next... remember that I chose to stay."
- Cassandra Cillian
"Magic is out there! More and more regular people are coming into contact with it. We can't just keep boxing it up and pretending it's swamp gas!"
- Eve Baird
"Welcome to Team Fiction."
- Moriarty
"Coincidence, or sinister alignment?"
- Eve Baird
"She will die for you. No matter how much you don't want her to. Never forget that."
- Cassandra Cillian
"I want that now! I choose to save the world."
- Flynn Carsen
"If I met myself, would I explode? I need a pen."
- Flynn Carsen
"Do not fear the villain. Fear the hero."
- Jenkins
"And trust me, if you don't learn how to win the war instead of just fighting the battles, none of us will survive."
- Jenkins
"Reality. It's the shared narrative we agree to believe."
- Jacob Stone
"It's smarter to be lucky than lucky to be smart."
- Ezekiel Jones
"Architecture is just art we live in. Why doesn't anybody get that?"
- Jacob Stone
"I'm here to do science and math; and sometimes, hallucinate."
- Cassandra Cillian
"I'm offering you a life of mystery, of misery, of loneliness, and adventure. More than that, I'm offering you the opportunity to make a difference and to save the world every week. Twice before Friday. Are you in?"
- Flynn Carsen
"Your brain is a weapon, and a tool, and a library all wrapped in one."
- Eve Baird
"I've killed more Librarians than you've seen stars, Guardian."
- DuLaque
"Love is the supreme power! It trumps everything!"
- Ezekiel Jones
"We cannot help where we come from but we can choose how it manifests itself."
- Jenkins
"An immortal magician from Shakespeare's plays has teamed up with a super villain genius that he's pulled from literature to take advantage of the fact that magic has returned to the world to restore his power and to accomplish some sort of unknowable and yet terrifying plot for world domination."
- Flynn Carsen
"You're not the angel of death. I know what death looks like and she doesn't look like you. She looks like me!"
- Cassandra Cillian
"The people need to be ruled by wisdom. The stupid, little humans need to be ruled by kings!"
- DuLaque
"No, no. They! Have! earned the right to rule themselves. The time of kings has passed!"
- Jenkins
"There is always another chance.
There's always another trick.
There's always something left to learn."
- Flynn Carsen
"The library collects ancient knowledge and ensures that magic,
Real magic, doesn't fall into the wrong hands."
- Flynn Carsen
"Wounds caused by excalibur never heal."
- Flynn Carsen
"Oh, i've got lots of leads.
I've got a plethora of possibilities.
A cornucopia of clues."
- Flynn Carsen
"Aestus cruentus adventus est, Et ubique carmen pudicitiae submerse est.
"and the blood-dimmed tide is loosed, And everywhere the ceremony of innocence is drowned."
That's Yeats, "the second coming",
It's his poem about the apocalypse."
- Jacob Stone
"Once upon a time,
The world was filled with magic.
Traveled among a power network called ley lines.
See the ley lines? See the magic.
Over the centuries, the magic was drained off
And stored into artifacts."
- Flynn Carsen
"Magic is cool, until warring nations drown each other
In tidal waves of blood
Or use dragons to burn cities to the ground.
Magic, used well, can be good.
But a world of wild magic?
It's full of chaos. Suffering."
- Flynn Carsen
"A man has to have dreams.
But a man's reach should exceed his grasp,
Or what's a heaven for?"
- Jacob Stone
"Not proud it's the only thing I'm good at,
But I'm damn proud I'm good at it."
- Ezekiel Jones
"The Library exists in its own pocket dimension, anchored to our reality here, at this single physical place. And the first Librarian just cut the anchor chain".
- Flynn Carsen
"No need to talk. I hate to pry into people's business."
- Jenkins
"You should know you can't solve everything with brute force alone. - Eve Baird
"Fight smarter, not harder.- Eve Baird
"You're his Guardian.
That means more than merely keeping him alive.
It means keeping him in one piece, both mentally and physically."
- Eve Baird
"In the few days we've known each other, I haven't seen you use any tools or magical equipment or artifacts.
Just your brain."
- Eve Baird
"If that were the right thing to do, Flynn Carsen, you'd be doing it. Not reading about it.
No. No. This is your way of hiding.
I bet... I bet that's what you were like before all this.
You hid in books.
That's the life from which Judson
pulled you. That's what you were."
- Eve Baird